Project Detail |
The project is aligned with the following impact: improved health status and well-being of mothers and children in the project districts. The project will have the following outcome: improved coverage of women and children with quality maternal and child health (MCH) services in the project districts. Project districts are: Fayzobod, Rasht and Shamsiddin Shohin. The project outputs are (i) integrated delivery of quality maternal and child care services in project districts improved; (ii) infrastructure and equipment for MCH services in project districts rationalized and improved; and (iii) knowledge of maternal and child health and health seeking behaviors in project districts improved. Output 1: Integrated delivery of quality maternal and child care services in project districts improved. The project will: (i) formulate a strategy for planning and deploying human resources, build institutional capacity for CME; and strengthen clinical capacities in the project districts; (ii) create an effective referral system between the various MCH service levels as well as a sound feedback mechanism and integration of vertical programs into PHC; (iii) institutionalize continuous quality improvement (CQI) system at national, sub-national and facility levels and establish a supportive supervision system; and (iv) pilot case-based payment system at project district hospitals. Output 2: Infrastructure and equipment for MCH services in project districts rationalized and improved. The project will support: (i) upgrade of central district hospitals (CDHs) and DHCs; (ii) supply of medical equipment and medical furniture to refurbished CDHs and DHCs, and provision of basic medical kits to PHC facilities; and (iii) piloting of the equipment management system in project facilities. The project will also support the Governments efforts in establishing a national equipment management system in close coordination with KfW and JICA. Output 3: Knowledge on maternal and child health and health seeking behaviors in project districts improved. Knowledge of MCH and health seeking behaviors in project districts improved. The project will help (i) build the capacity of the Republican Healthy Lifestyle Center for developing a behavior change communication (BCC) plan, and for monitoring, evaluating, and reporting the plan; (ii) design and implement district-specific knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) surveys; and design district-specific BCC implementation plans based on the findings of the baseline KAP survey; (iii) carry out community mobilization activities to promote social norms that support collective MCH objectives and challenge harmful practices; and (iv) develop the BCC skills of health workers and community members |