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Italy Project Notice - IGOSP - Integrated Global Observing Systems For Persistent Pollutants

Project Notice

PNR 33748
Project Name IGOSP - Integrated Global Observing Systems for Persistent Pollutants
Project Detail Development of a Transnational Environmental Observation System in Support of European & International Policies through the Integration of real-time monitoring data from various platforms, modelling tools and advanced global cyber-infrastructure for data sharing and interoperability. The overall goal of Strand-3 is to develop a new paradigm for real-time monitoring of the quality of our environment with reference to the contamination of air, water and terrestrial ecosystems by persistent pollutants. The overarching objective of this strand is the development of a fully integrated system of advanced sensors (based on nano-structured advanced materials) for major persistent pollutants coupled with state-of-the-art interoperable systems for data sharing and data management.IGOSP will adopt a methodology aimed to integrate real-time monitoring of persistent pollutants derived from different platforms into an advanced interoperable data infrastructure for data sharing and web services release. For this purpose, IGOSP will further develop and improve existing sensors, explore new sensor frontiers based on nanotechnologies as well as construct, test and validate sensors and multi-sensor platforms. The combination of different sensor technologies in environmental monitoring will certainly provide further information on the dynamic mechanisms of pollutant cycling as well as better monitoring reliability. This project has received funding under H2020-SC5-15-2015 “Strengthening the European Research Area in the domain of Earth Observation” Type of action: ERA-NET-Cofund Grant Grant Agreement No. 689443
Funded By Self-Funded
Sector Environment
Country Italy , Western Europe
Project Value Plz Refer Document

Contact Information

Company Name CNR-Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research
Address CONTACT:
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