Project Detail |
TITLE: Project of construction and equipment of the Juxtaposed Control Stations (PCJ) of Mossipaga on the border of Burkina and Niger COUNTRY OF INTERVENTION: Niger, Burkina AREAS OF INTERVENTION: TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE AREA OF INTERVENTION: UEMOA Space STRATEGIC AXIS OF THE MASTER PLAN: Button C: North-South connectivity reinforcement Project management: UEMOA COMMISSION JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT: The concept of Juxtaposed Control Posts (PCJ), obeys the directives of the Constitutional Treaty of UEMOA. In addition, the desire to tackle together the numerous challenges facing the land transport sector, led the Council of Ministers of WAEMU to adopt on 21 June 1997, Recommendation No. 04/97 / CM, on the implementation of a program of joint actions in the field of infrastructure and road transport. In application of this recommendation, a series of reforms were adopted to ensure a better flow of traffic between the States of the Union, in particular Decision No. 08/2001 / CM / UEMOA of 26 November 2001 adopting and modalities for the financing of a Community program to build eleven (11) Juxtaposed Control Posts (PCJs) at the borders between UEMOA Member States. Project Management: Infrastructure Division / UEMOA Commission Project status: Funding Research for Coordination and Monitoring-Evaluation Studies: UEMOA Commission Completion deadline: 2years Completed studies: Negotiations: Works: Duration of operation: 20 years Yes No Yes No Yes No x General Objective: Contribute to the facilitation of trade between States through the combination of customs clearance activities at the border in one place, in order to take advantage of economies of scale and reduce the time of crossing the border Specific objectives: • Conduct technical and financial studies; • build and equip PCJs through a PPP; • put into operation, manage the PCJ and ensure their effective operationalization. Expected results : • the technical and financial file for the search for funding is available; • funding is mobilized for the construction and equipment of the PCJs; • PCJs are operational and operational. Estimated cost of the project: 5,000,000,000 FCFA Amount mobilized: 0 Rate:% Source: Amount Financing Instrument (PPP, State Budget, Loan, Other) F CFA USD State: PPP Private promoter: Development Partners: Private partners: Remaining to be mobilized: 5 000 000 000 9090909 |