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Togo Project Notice - Project For The Construction Of An Industrial Park In Sarakawad In The Kara Region (Development And Viabilisation)

Project Notice

PNR 33693
Project Name Project for the construction of an industrial park in Sarakawad in the Kara region (Development and Viabilisation)
Project Detail CORRIDORS MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE RING OF GROWTH IN WEST AFRICA (WAGRI-CACAO) 1. TITLE: Project for the construction of an industrial park in Sarakawad in the Kara region (Development and Viabilisation) 2. COUNTRIES OF INTERVENTION: Togo 3. AREA OF INTERVENTION: North-Togo, Kara Region (Sarakawa) 4. AREAS OF INTERVENTION: Industry 5. Strategic focus of the management plan: Button A, Axes 1 and 2: Ø Strategy 1: Promotion of various economic sectors contributing to regional development; and Ø Strategy 2: Investment Promotion for the Motor Economic Sectors by taking advantage of the integration and expansion of subregional markets. 6.JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT: Togo has adopted in 2018 its National Development Plan (PND) .This very ambitious plan covering the period 2018-2022 has the global objective of structurally transforming the economy, for a strong, sustainable, resilient, inclusive, creative growth. decent jobs and leading to improvements in social well-being. At least 500,000 direct jobs are envisaged over the period of implementation of the PND. The industrial sector, beyond the wealth it creates, is a real provider of jobs. As part of the implementation of the PND, the creation of industrial parks and special economic zones is part of the logic of axis 2 of the PND, which plans to develop agricultural processing, manufacturing and industrial poles. mining. The CACAO Project Master Plan recommends the diversification of the economic sectors of the inland areas and the coastal zones. It takes into consideration urban development and rural development in its recommended growth scenario. Urban centers along economic corridors (both north-south corridors and the west-east coastal corridor) are strategic locations to attract manufacturing industries. In order to support such development of manufacturing sectors in urban centers, it is important to provide economic infrastructure, such as water supply, electricity supply, industrial parks and ICT. The population of the City of Kara was 117,000 in 2015. It is expected that the population of Kara will be 334,000 by 2040. Kara is located on the Corridor of Lome-Ouagadougou. By improving the Lomé-Ouagadougou Corridor road, and by providing economic infrastructures, Kara will be able to play the role of one of the major regional centers and commercial, logistical, industrial and agricultural centers in the northern areas of Togo. However, it is obvious that without the viabilisation of industrial areas acquired, the conditions for a good implementation of industrial units would not be met. Also, the present project aims at servicing a 100 hectare site acquired in the region of Kara (Sarakawa) for the installation of industrial units. The establishment of this site in the interior of the country will allow to deconcentrate the industrial units of the country which today are more than 90% based in the capital Lome. This project will also promote the comparative advantages of the region from the point of view of agricultural potential and a strong use of local labor and indirectly, the reduction of the rural exodus. 7. MAJOR STAKEHOLDERS Project Manager: Togolese State (Ministry of Industry) Project management: Firm / company to recruit Beneficiaries: Large national and international companies; National and international SMEs / SMIs; Skilled and low-skilled youth, people in the Kara region, or the whole country Other stakeholders: Ministry of Industry, Togo Invest, Free Zone Administration Company (SAZOF), domestic and foreign investors Coordination and monitoring and evaluation The monitoring will be done by the Ministry of Industry. It will be responsible for: (i) ensuring better monitoring of project implementation, in order to improve the process put in place; (ii) reliably assess the results of the project; (iii) evaluate the effects and impacts of these results on beneficiary populations; (iv) enable better communication with all development actors and (v) mobilize more resources needed to finance the project 8. STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS General Objective (Goal): Densify the industrial fabric and increase its contribution to GDP Specific objectives: 1. Encourage the establishment of a large number of industrial units through development and servicing of the site 2. Valuing local raw materials through processing 3. Increase Togolese exports in industrial products 4. Create at least 15 thousand sustainable jobs Expected results: 1. The site is secured by a linear fence, developed and serviced favoring the establishment of several industrial units 2. Raw materials are processed locally 3. Togolese exports of industrial products are increased 4. At least 15 thousand sustainable jobs are created Main activities : 1. Carry out a study of security, development, viabilisation and environmental and social impact of the Sarakawa industrial site 2. Set up a system for securing the industrial park 3. Carry out track construction work 4. Perform water, electricity and telecommunication services 5. Put in place incentives for the installation of industrial units Environmental and social impact: The Sarakawad site development and servicing project in the Kara region will be preceded by a study that takes into account the environmental and social impacts. The report document with this study will identify key measures to mitigate negative effects on the social and physical environment. 9. FINANCING PLAN Estimated cost of the project: 30 billion FCFA Amount mobilized: 0 Rate: 0% Source Amount Financing instrument (PPP, State Budget, Loan, Other) F CFA USD (Rate: 550 F CFA) State: 0 Private promoter: 0 Development Partners: 30 Billion 54.545454 Million Borrowing Private Partners: 0 Remaining to be mobilized: 30 Billion 54.545454 Million Rate: 100% 10. DURATION - MAIN STAGES OF THE PROJECT Estimated completion time 36 months Start date: 2020 End date: 2022 Duration of operation: 25 years
Funded By Self-Funded
Sector Construction
Country Togo , Western Africa
Project Value XOF 30,000,000,000

Contact Information

Company Name Togolese State (Ministry of Industry)
Web Site

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