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Togo Project Notice - LOME-CINKASSE Railway Line Construction Project

Project Notice

PNR 33689
Project Name LOME-CINKASSE railway line construction project
Project Detail CORRIDORS MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE RING OF GROWTH IN WEST AFRICA (WAGRI-CACAO) 1. TITLE: LOME-CINKASSE railway line construction project 2. COUNTRIES OF INTERVENTION: TOGO 3. AREA OF INTERVENTION: FROM LOME TO CINKASSE (FRONTIER OF BURKINA FASO) 4. AREAS OF INTERVENTION: INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT 5. Master Plan Strategic Area: Button C: Strengthening North-South Connectivity 6. JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT: The modernization of the autonomous port of Lomé has significantly increased the number of containers bound for landlocked countries. their transportation becomes very difficult by land. This requires the construction of a railway along the corridor. The advantage of the railway is that it will extend the life of the roads. The project will connect the two (02) countries with rail links. The project involves the construction of a 1059 km railway line from the port of Lomé (Togo) to Ouagadougou, capital of BURKINA FASO. This railway line is one of the nine priority regional rail corridors included in the program of priority actions for the development of rail transport in the WAEMU area. + Length: 1059 Km (360 km, Ouagadougou Togo border and 699 km border Burkina Autonomous Port of Lome + Mixed line (Goods and passengers) + Application of norms and standards of construction and rehabilitations: UIC norms and UEMOA directives 7. MAJOR STAKEHOLDERS Project Manager: MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT / DIRECTION GENERALE DES TRANSPORTS. Project management: PRIVATE FIRMS / COMPANIES TO RECRUIT Beneficiaries: POPULATIONS, TRADERS, TOGOLESE STATE AND COUNTRIES OF HINTERLAND Other stakeholders: BURKINA FASO, TOGO, Lomé Autonomous Port, economic operators) Coordination and monitoring-evaluation The Directorate General of Transport will be supported by one or more control and monitoring firms of the works that will be retained at the end of a call for applications. Mid-term and end-of-project evaluations will be carried out with the support of TFPs. The monitoring and evaluation process will be part of an effort to (i) reliably assess the results of the project on the basis of an integrated monitoring and evaluation plan and a statistical system evidenced by regular surveys national scope and the production of reliable sectoral statistics; (ii) evaluate the effects and impacts of these results on the beneficiary populations and (iii) allow better communication with all the technical and financial partners of the project. 8. STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS General Objective (Goal): Contribute to the improvement of the national economy and the reinforcement of the subregional integration 1. increase intra-Community trade 2. facilitate the transportation of people and goods; 3. to allow easy access by the hinterland countries to the port of Lomé; Expected results : (Deliverables and effects) 1. intra-Community trade is increased 2. transport of people and goods is facilitated; 3. hinterland countries have access to the port of Lomé; Main activities : 1. carry out APS studies 2. carry out the studies Studies APD 3. conduct financial and socio-economic studies 4. Conduct Operations Management Studies 5. carry out the construction work of the railway Environmental and social impact: Techno-economic studies of environmental and social impact have not yet been carried out. It is necessary to do these detailed studies before starting the work 9. FINANCING PLAN Estimated cost of the project: 2 352 013 757 500 FCFA 4 276 388 650 USD is: Amount mobilized: Rate: 0% Source Amount Financing instrument (PPP, State Budget, Loan, Other) F CFA USD Status: Type of partnership sought: PTF, PPP, Private. Private promoter: Development partners: Private Partners: 2,352,013,757,500 4,276,388,650 PPPs Remaining to be mobilized: 2 351 Billion 4, 276 Billion Rate: 100% 10. DURATION - MAIN STAGES OF THE PROJECT Estimated completion time Five (05) years is 92 months Start: No Defined End: Not Defined
Funded By Self-Funded
Sector Construction
Country Togo , Western Africa
Project Value XOF 2,352,013,757,500

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