Project Detail |
CORRIDORS MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE RING OF GROWTH IN WEST AFRICA (WAGRI-CACAO) 1. TITLE: Project for the construction / rehabilitation of national cross-roads 2. COUNTRIES OF INTERVENTION: TOGO 3. AREA OF INTERVENTION: IN ALL REGIONS OF THE COUNTRY 4. AREAS OF INTERVENTION: INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT 5. STRATEGIC AXIS OF THE MASTER PLAN: BUTTON C: STRENGTHENING CONNECTIVITY NORTH-SOUTH 6. JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT: Transverse national roads are generally community-based roads that cross the country from the east to the west linking Togo to neighboring countries (Ghana and Benin). These national roads contribute not only to regional integration but also to development. Togo. These improvements and asphalting or rehabilitation will ensure the permanence of traffic and improve trade between Togo and the countries of the sub-region, without passing through capitals. it will strengthen the integration of the economies of the cities of the interior. 7. MAJOR STAKEHOLDERS Project Manager: MINISTRY OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT / DIRECTION GENERALE DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS Project management: PRIVATE FIRMS / COMPANIES TO RECRUIT Beneficiaries: POPULATIONS, TRADERS, CARRIERS, TOGOLESE STATE AND COUNTRIES IN THE REGIONS Other stakeholders: AUTONOMOUS PORT OF LOME, ECONOMIC OPERATORS Coordination and monitoring-evaluation The General Directorate of Public Works will be supported by control and supervision of works that will be selected at the end of a call for applications. Mid-term and end-of-project evaluations will be carried out with the support of TFPs. The monitoring and evaluation process will be part of an effort to (i) reliably assess the results of the project on the basis of an integrated monitoring and evaluation plan and a statistical system evidenced by regular surveys national scope and the production of reliable sectoral statistics; (ii) evaluate the effects and impacts of these results on the beneficiary populations and (iii) allow better communication with all the technical and financial partners of the project. 8. STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS General Objective (Goal): Contribute to the improvement of the national economy and to the reinforcement of the sub-regional integration and the opening up of the chiefs of the regions and prefectures. Specific objectives: 1. Rehabilitate and develop cross-roads 2. Construct bridge, scupper and gutter hydraulic structures 3. reduce journey time and vehicle operating costs Expected results : (Deliverables and Effects) 1. Transverse roads are rehabilitated and upgraded 2. all hydraulic structures are built 3. the travel time of people and goods and the cost of operating vehicles has improved Main Activities: 1. carry out the update + control studies 2. Perform earthworks 3. Carry out pavement works and build works of art and hydraulics Environmental and Social Impact: The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and its Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) were conducted to address all environmental and social concerns, whether during development works of the axis or during the exploitation of the rehabilitated road. These studies consist of: - an exhaustive characterization of the natural, human and socio-economic environment of the project area of ??influence; - highlight all the concerns of the local population and the authorities regarding the projects implementation. The study identified, analyzed and prioritized the potential environmental and social impacts of the project during and after the road works. It advocated the relevant environmental and social measures to remove, mitigate or at least offset the identified nuisances and highlight the expected benefits of the project. 9. FINANCING PLAN Estimated cost of the project: 295 668 748 592 CFA Francs Amount mobilized: None Rate: 0% Source Amount Financing instrument (PPP, State Budget, Loan, Other) F CFA USD State: Private promoter: Development partners: Private Partners: 295 668 748 592 537 579 544 PPP Remaining to be mobilized: 295 668 748 592 537 579 544 Rate: 100% 10. DURATION - MAIN STAGES OF THE PROJECT Estimated completion time Twenty-four (24) months Start: (Estimated date) End: (Estimated date) Duration of operation: Twenty (20) years |