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Ghana Project Notice - Beam Debre Debar Project

Project Notice

PNR 33675
Project Name Beam Debre Debar Project
Project Detail CORRIDORS MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE RING OF GROWTH IN WEST AFRICA (WAGRI-CACAO) 1. TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Beam Debre Debar Project 2. COUNTRIES OF INTERVENTION: Republic of Ghana 3. AREA OF INTERVENTION: Debre at Lake Volta (geographical location of the project or area covered by the project) 4. AREA OF INTERVENTION: Transport sector (sub-sector of seaways and inland waterways). (Economic field Transport 5. STRATEGIC AXES OF THE MASTER PLAN: (Main lines of the CACAO Master Plan in which the project is part) 4. JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT (Brief presentation of the context and justification of the project)   The main watercourse for river and lake transport is Lake Volta, created in 1963 after impoundment during the construction of the Akosombo dam. Lake Volta covers an area of ??8,500 km2 and can store about 148,000 mw of water, which offers considerable potential for the development of river transport and a multimodal transport corridor. In addition, it is navigable for 420 km along the south-north road between Akosombo and Buipe, and there are many potential cross-roads east-west and other. Currently, Lake Volta supports three distinct transport services: (i) ferry crossing services at its strategic points, providing a weekly north-south ferry service that carries agricultural produce to the port of Akosomboau south; (ii) Northboat operations between the ports of Akosombo and Buipe carrying liquid / solid cargo and certain passengers; and (iii) informal boats providing access to peripheral areas away from the lake where access by road is non-existent or very limited. The Volta Lake Transportation Company (VLTC), the main public entity providing tug and ferry services, operates both ferry and barge services. It was incorporated in 1970 as a joint venture of the Volta River Authority (VRA) with 51% of the shares and two foreign partners (49%). However, in 1976, due to a slowdown in economic activity in the country, foreign partners sold all of their shares to VRA. Subsequently, the VLTC became a wholly-owned subsidiary of the VRA and operated as an agency of the Ministry of Transport (MoT).   In recent years, the low water levels (below 242 feet) in the lake have had the greatest negative impact on VLTC operations due to reduced precipitation in the lake watershed.   In addition to unreliable VLTC operations due to unpredictable water levels, the poor state of infrastructure, key equipment and assets also had a negative impact on VRAs credibility with key customers. The duration of the return journey on the route has been increased (from 7 to 9 days) and, as a result, the delivery of goods has often been delayed, leading to a loss of confidence among key customers and jeopardizing future supplies.   Although VLTC ferry crossing operations have traditionally been considered as social services provided by the Government of Ghana to communities in the watersheds of the lake that were displaced by the construction of the Akosombo Dam and subsequent creation from Lake Volta, operations in the South should be commercially viable and generate sufficient revenues not only to offset subsidized crossing activities but also to contribute to the owners profits. However, for various reasons (operations disrupted by drought / weather conditions and unreliable supplies), the VLTCVRA has not realized its financial potential over the years. In fact, these recurring losses have resulted in persistent financial losses for nearly two decades and have resulted in short-term debt accumulation, inability to repay long-term debt, and lack of capital for routine maintenance and replacement. key equipment and ferries). As a result, VLTC is currently unable to obtain working capital from commercial banks without counter-guarantees from the VRA. Therefore, the strategic plan must be proposed to the VLTC in order to identify and reconcile these operational and financial challenges. Part of this plan involves dredging the Debre bench to allow the company to operate successfully. 7. MAJOR STAKEHOLDERS Project management: (Promoter of the project: State, territorial collectivity, NGO, etc.) Ministry of Transport, Ghana Maritime Authority and Volta Lake Transport Company Ltd Project management: (Structure responsible for the implementation of project activities, AGETUR, AGEROUTE, etc.) Beneficiaries: (Structures and / or people who will benefit directly or indirectly from the effects of the project) Stakeholders including the population Other stakeholders: (Any other structures and / or people who will be affected positively or negatively by the project) Coordination and monitoring-evaluation  (How and where will the work be monitored and the project evaluated: Actors and Mechanism)   Mid-term and final evaluations will be conducted to assess the impact of the project 8. STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS   General objective: (Ultimate economic objective to which the project will contribute in the long term: impact) To develop and improve transport and services by inland waterways, thereby reducing transport costs and transport time for national and international transit, facilitating the rapid operation and expansion of trade, agriculture and economic activities Ghana and provide opportunities to improve the connectivity and livelihoods of rural communities along the shores of Lake Volta. Specific objective: • Ensure throughout the year river transport between north and south Expected results : (deliverables and effects) • (main activities or operation to be performed to produce the expected deliverables) The sandbar Debreretiré. This will ensure year-round navigation even if the lakes water level drops Main activities :  • (Main activities or operations to be carried out to produce the expected deliverables) Removing the sandbar • Lake mapping Environmental and social impact:  (What measures could be planned to reduce the negative effects of the project on its social and physical environment, gender analysis, ESIA?)   9. FINANCING PLAN Estimated cost of the project:  (Total amount needed to complete the project)   2.0 million USD Amount mobilized:  Rate: 0% Source:  Amount Funding modality (PPP, State Budget, Loan, Other)   GHS USD State:  N / A N / A Private promoter (individual):  N / A N / A Development partners:  N / A N / A Private partners (business) :  N / A N / A Other: N / A N / A Remains to mobilize:  2.0 million USD Rate: 100% 10. DURATION - MAIN STAGES OF THE PROJECT   Estimated time of realization  (Number of months needed to complete the project) 12 months Start: (estimated date)   January 2020 End: (estimated date)   December 2020
Funded By Self-Funded
Sector Construction
Country Ghana , Western Africa
Project Value GHS 2,000,000

Contact Information

Company Name Ghana Maritime Authority and Volta Lake Transport Company Ltd
Web Site

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