Project Detail |
CORRIDORS MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE RING OF GROWTH IN WEST AFRICA (WAGRI-CACAO) 1. TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Dawa Industrial Zone (Prampram Industrial Park Establishment Project) 2. COUNTRIES OF INTERVENTION: Republic of Ghana 3. AREA OF INTERVENTION: (geographical location of the project or project area) Dawa 4. AREAS OF INTERVENTION: (Economic domain, eg agriculture, energy, mining, etc.) Economic 5. STRATEGIC AXES OF THE MASTER PLAN: (Main lines of the CACAO Master Plan in which the project is part) 6. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This industrial park here in Dawa is an excellent example of this concept in action and shows how the private sector can take advantage of the favorable environment created by the government to create important business opportunities. (Brief presentation of the context and justification of the project) 7. MAJOR STAKEHOLDERS Project owner: (Promoter of the project: State, local authority, NGO, etc.) LMI Holdings Project management: (Structure responsible for the implementation of project activities, AGETUR, AGEROUTE, etc.) Beneficiaries: (Structures and / or people who will benefit directly or indirectly from the effects of the project) Manufacturers, Industrialists and the whole community of economic operators in Ghana and abroad Other stakeholders: (Any other structures and / or people who will be affected positively or negatively by the project) Government, World Bank, private sector actors, Youth employment, State Coordination and monitoring-evaluation (How and where will the work be monitored and the project evaluated: Actors and Mechanism) Ministry of Commerce and Industry, World Bank 8. STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS General Objective: (Ultimate economic objective to which the project will contribute in the long term: impact) The creation of special economic activity zones is to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) into the country, to create jobs, to transfer technologies and to to add value to local products. . Specific objective: (Objective or expected effects at the end of the project) Provide industrial land reserves and security for industrial development. Ensure adequate and reliable supply of electricity and water to the industry at competitive rates. Expected results : (deliverables and effects) • (deliverables that the project must produce to achieve the objectives) Provide a dedicated infrastructure with a demarcated area to reduce the per-business expenses of that infrastructure. These facilities include roads, sidings, high-power electricity distribution networks (often including three-phase power), high-end communication cables, high volume water systems and high-volume gas storage networks. Main activities : • (Main activities or operations to be carried out to produce the expected deliverables) Development and construction of roads, fence walls, drainage channels, • Provide all utilities • Provide users with common facilities, such as a waste recycling plant, hostel accommodation, training centers, etc. • Environmental and social impact: (What measures could be planned to reduce the negative effects of the project on its social and physical environment, gender analysis, ESIA?) Prepare an environmental and social management plan 9. FINANCING PLAN Estimated cost of the project: (total amount needed to complete the project) Amount mobilized: (amount available) Rate:% Source: Amount Funding modality (PPP, State Budget, Loan, Other) GHS USD State: Ready Private promoter (individual): LMI HOLDINGS Development partners: World Bank and DFID Private partners (business) : Others: Remaining to be mobilized: Rate:% 10. DURATION - MAIN STAGES OF THE PROJECT Estimated time of realization (Number of months needed to complete the project) Start: (estimated date) 2016 End: (estimated date) 2019 |