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Burkina Faso Project Notice - Project To Study The Grand Ouaga Bypass With Rail Services In The City Center

Project Notice

PNR 33624
Project Name Project to study the Grand Ouaga bypass with rail services in the city center
Project Detail CORRIDORS MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE RING OF GROWTH IN WEST AFRICA (WAGRI-CACAO) 1. TITLE: Project to study the Grand Ouaga bypass with rail services in the city center 2. COUNTRIES OF INTERVENTION: Burkina Faso 3. AREA OF INTERVENTION: Agglomeration of Ouagadougou 4. AREAS OF INTERVENTION: Transport 5. Strategic focus of the management plan: Button C: Strengthening connectivity between inland and coastal areas 6.JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT: Burkina Faso is a country in the hinterland that depends for a good part of its foreign trade, which is essentially maritime, of the railway axis uniting its two main cities, Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso, to the port of Abidjan. Anxious to avoid excessive technical and political dependence, the Burkinabe authorities have recently embarked on a revival of the railway sector through the Burkina-Ghana railway interconnection project. Other projects such as the Burkina-Mali and Burkina-Niger railway interconnection with a ramp on the Tambao manganese mine are also planned. A veritable hub through which almost all trade passes, the city of Ouagadougou will become for any mode of transport and in particular the railway mode, the almost obligatory passage for the goods and the travelers. The implementation of railway projects will then constitute a Burkinabè railway network centered on Ouaga, just like its road counterpart. Thus, goods transported by rail from the ports of Abidjan and Tema to the hinterland countries (Burkina, Mali, Niger) as well as the manganese ores leaving Tambao for the ports will pass through Ouagadougou. To facilitate the transit of freight in transit to Ouagadougou and promote sustainable mobility, the solution would then be to create a rail bypass to postpone traffic. 7. MAJOR STAKEHOLDERS Project management: State Mastery of work: Mayor of Ouagadougou Beneficiaries: Users of the city of Ouagadougou, Other stakeholders: Other Burkina users, Ministry of Urban Planning, truck drivers in Burkina Faso and other UEMOA countries Coordination and monitoring-evaluation Establishment of a monitoring and evaluation system made up of agents from the Ministry of Transport (DGMU, SOPAFER-B), the Ministry of Urban Planning, and Ouagadougou Town Hall. 8. STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS General Objective (Goal): Contribute to the provision of modern and efficient urban infrastructure in Grand Ouaga. Specific objectives: 1. to carry out the studies necessary for the implementation of the project; 2. build the railway bypass 3. reduce urban congestion; 4. promote sustainable mobility in Grand Ouaga; Expected results : (Deliverables and effects) 1. Project studies are carried out; 2. The bypass is constructed; 3. Urban congestion is reduced; 4. Sustainable urban mobility is effective. Main activities : 1. Recruit the consultant 2. Conduct Feasibility Studies (APS) 3. Carry out the detailed technical studies, preparation of the bidding documents (DAO) 4. Validate the studies Environmental and Social Impact: ESIAs are planned as part of this project 9. FINANCING PLAN Estimated cost of the project: 300,000,000 FCFA Amount mobilized: 0 Rate: 0% Source Amount Financing instrument (PPP, State Budget, Loan, Other) F CFA USD State: 0 0 Private promoter: 0 0 Development Partners: 0 0 Private partners: 300,000,000 FCFA 545,454 PPP Remaining to be mobilized: 300,000,000 545,454 Rate:% 10. DURATION - MAIN STAGES OF THE PROJECT Estimated completion time 24 months Start date: 2020 End date: 2021
Funded By Self-Funded
Sector Transportation
Country Burkina Faso , Western Africa
Project Value XOF 300,000,000

Contact Information

Company Name Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)
Address UEMOA Commission 380 Avenue Professor Joseph KI-ZERBO 01 BP 543 Ouagadougou Burkina Faso +226 25 31 88 73 to 76 +226 25 31 88 72
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