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Burkina Faso Project Notice - Project Of Gender Integration In The Development Of Rural Transport Service Using Tricycles

Project Notice

PNR 33620
Project Name Project of Gender Integration in the Development of Rural Transport Service Using Tricycles
Project Detail CORRIDORS MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE RING OF GROWTH IN WEST AFRICA (WAGRI-CACAO) 1. TITLE: Project of Gender Integration in the Development of Rural Transport Service Using Tricycles 2. COUNTRIES OF INTERVENTION: BURKINA FASO 3. AREA OF INTERVENTION: The project covers the whole of the national territory 4. AREAS OF INTERVENTION: Transport in rural areas with gender integration 5. Strategic focus of the management plan: Button A: Development of economic sectors 6.JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT: Rural transport infrastructure is based on a network of 46,000 km of rural roads. The classified regional (3,581 km) and departmental (4,993 km) networks also play an important role in serving rural areas and providing access to basic infrastructure, generally located in regional and provincial capitals. . The regional and departmental roads, which drain the first and the main level of rural transport flows, have rather low annual average daily flows, not exceeding an average of 65 vehicles per day in 2011. These means of transport are mainly composed of light vehicles (70%), mainly all-terrain vehicles and vans, adapted to the often difficult condition of roads. Two-axle trucks make up the bulk of heavy traffic, followed by three-axle trucks. In general and outside the main axes which have a minimum transport service provided by vans and bush taxis, the majority of inter-village links do not have transport services; a situation that increases the isolation of rural households, often handicapped by the lack of means of transport, both for the needs of their economic activities and access to basic services and infrastructure. This project is justified by the consideration of gender in the establishment of tricycles transport service in rural areas of the country to improve mobility conditions. 7. MAJOR STAKEHOLDERS Project owner: (Initiator promoter of the project: State, Territorial Collectivity, OIG, etc.) THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, URBAN MOBILITY AND ROAD SAFETY Project management: (Structure responsible for the implementation of project activities, AGETUR, AGEROUTE, etc.) The Directorate General of Land and Maritime Transport Beneficiaries: (Structures and / or persons who will benefit directly or indirectly from the effects of the project) Rural populations in Burkina Fasos 13 regions, including women, youth and vulnerable people Private operators Other stakeholders: (Any other structures and / or people who will be affected positively or negatively by the project) Womens associations, young ETCs; Local authorities Coordination and monitoring-evaluation As part of the monitoring of the implementation of the project, a steering committee will be created bringing together all the structures of the State, local authorities and civil society 8. STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS General Objective (Goal): The overall objective of the Action Plan is to improve the mobility, productivity and market access of rural people Specific objectives: 1. Reduce the time and effort spent on transporting large quantities of inputs and agricultural products. 2. - Facilitate access to sales points of agricultural products in the region. 3. - Promote small business initiatives. 4. facilitate access to basic social services 5. - Encourage social movements outside the village. 6. - Reduce the burden of collecting water and firewood and increase the participation of women and girls in the regions in economic activities. Expected results : (Deliverables and effects) 1. Complementary studies are carried out 2. Transport infrastructure is upgraded 3. People have access to intermediate means of transport Main activities : 1. Phase 1: Conduct additional studies of the project taking into account gender 2. - Phase 2: Realize the rural infrastructures 3. - Phase 3: Improve rural peoples access to ITMs 4. - Phase 4: Strengthen the institutional framework and upgrade the capacities of bodies in charge of rural transport and ensure monitoring and evaluation Environmental and Social Impact: The project will be geared towards capacity building of gender players and the creation of viable businesses. A relevant study and analysis in terms of ESIA is essential. 9. FINANCING PLAN Estimated cost of the project: CFAF 4,945,000,000 Amount mobilized: Rate: 00% Source Amount Financing instrument (PPP, State Budget, Loan, Other) F CFA USD State: Private promoter: Development partners: 4,945,000,000 8,990,909 Loan / Donation Private partners: Remaining to be mobilized: 4,945,000,000 8,990,909 Rate: 100% 10. DURATION - MAIN STAGES OF THE PROJECT Estimated completion time 60 months Start date: 2019 End date: 2024
Funded By Self-Funded
Sector Transportation
Country Burkina Faso , Western Africa
Project Value XOF 4,945,000,000

Contact Information

Company Name Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)
Address UEMOA Commission 380 Avenue Professor Joseph KI-ZERBO 01 BP 543 Ouagadougou Burkina Faso +226 25 31 88 73 to 76 +226 25 31 88 72
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