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Benin Project Notice - Development And Exploitation Of The Marbred Didadjo And Development Of The Axis OUESSE-IDADJO

Project Notice

PNR 33570
Project Name Development and Exploitation of the Marbred dIDADJO and Development of the Axis OUESSE-IDADJO
Project Detail CORRIDORS MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE RING OF GROWTH IN WEST AFRICA (WAGRI-CACAO) 1. TITLE: Project for the development and exploitation of the Marbred dIDADJO and development of the axis OUESSE-IDADJO 2. COUNTRIES OF INTERVENTION: BENIN 3. AREA OF INTERVENTION: IDADJO 4. AREAS OF INTERVENTION: MINES 5. STRATEGIC AXIS OF THE MASTER PLAN: 6. JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT: The Government of Benin has implemented its action program whose overall objective is to create and boost the growth and development poles on the one hand and significantly reduce poverty on the other. , the mining sector has been identified as a strong growth potential and is an important lever for the development of the country. The project aims to promote the use of local building materials which would help reduce foreign exchange outflows. in turn, the industrial exploitation of extractive resources. 7. MAJOR STAKEHOLDERS Project Manager: Ministry of Water and Mines Energy. Project management: General Directorate of Mines (DG-Mines) and Beninese Office of Geological and Mining Research (OBRGM). Beneficiaries: Beninese people, the Government, the sub-region and the whole world if possible. Other stakeholders: Beninese populations Coordination and monitoring and evaluation Coordination is provided by the Beninese Office for Geological and Mining Research and monitoring and evaluation by the General Directorate of Mines. 8. STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS General Objective (Goal): Contribute to national and regional economic growth. Specific objectives: To carry out an economic and financial study, Conduct an environmental impact study, Conduct a market study and a comparative cost analysis including access routes, Evaluate the cost of equipment and operation of the project including access roads. Expected results : (Deliverables and Effects) Information available on: The career plan of the quarry, the methods, the extraction technologies, the size and the polishing of stone blocks for different uses (flooring, walls, furniture, streets of tombs, etc.) Organization of work and human resources. Market analysis; Production yield; Evaluation of operating expenses The forecast of the duration of the return on investment. Main activities : Conduct evaluation surveys and geotechnical tests Conduct experimentation and valorization of the deposit Conduct a technical, socio-economic and environmental feasibility study of the exploitation of the deposit to meet the demand of COCOA countries Production and distribution of products Environmental and Social Impact: Negative effects will be taken into account when developing the Project Environmental Management Plan 9. FINANCING PLAN Estimated cost of the project: 2,000,000,000 Amount mobilized: (Amount already available) Rate:% Source Amount Financing instrument (OBRGM, State Budget, Loan, Other) F CFA USD State: 500,000,000 State Budget Private promoter: Development Partners: 1,000,000,000 OBRGM Private partners: Other: 500 million Remaining to be mobilized: Rate:% 10. DURATION - MAIN STAGES OF THE PROJECT Estimated completion time 36 months Start date: 2020 End date: 2023
Funded By Self-Funded
Sector Mining
Country Benin , Western Africa
Project Value XOF 2,000,000,000

Contact Information

Company Name Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)
Address Villa n° 13, Allée 4, Résidences CEN-SAD Fadoul BP 01 BP 521 Cotonou BENIN +229 66 76 86 02 Direct Chef de Secrétariat +229 21 06 01 80 Direct Chef de Secrétariat +229 21 06 00 70 Direct RR +229 21 15 96 05 Direct AAF +229 21 06 01 80
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