Project Detail |
CORRIDORS MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE RING OF GROWTH IN WEST AFRICA (WAGRI-CACAO) 1. TITLE OF THE PROJECT: Agricultural Mechanization and Hydraulic Sector Support Development Project 2. COUNTRIES OF INTERVENTION: Burkina Faso 3. AREA OF INTERVENTION: National Territory 4. AREAS OF INTERVENTION: Agriculture 5. Strategic focus of the master plan: Button A: Promote and encourage market-oriented economic sectors in the sub-region by harnessing the potential of economic sectors and targeting sub-regional markets 6.JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT: Based on the Governments stated desire to promote family farms and agropoles, taking into account the needs and aspirations of water development, access to land, agricultural equipment and inputs, the Government intends to breathe new life into the mechanization process in the next five years. Agricultural machinery has revolutionized agriculture and continues to do so today. Some of the largest increases in total factor productivity ever observed in the agricultural sector have been achieved only through the introduction of agricultural machinery. Agricultural mechanization is a central and indispensable pillar for improving the efficiency and productivity of all other elements used for cultivation, such as seeds, fertilizers, water, labor and time. In view of the low rate of agricultural mechanization in Burkina Faso, the question of the modernization of farms by setting up assembly units and performing maintenance workshops for tractors is one of the departments priorities. To this end, the National Company of Land and Rural Equipment Development (SONATER) has started the development of a new project called Agricultural Mechanization Development and Support Project Phase 2 (PDMA). -SSH, PHASE 2). 7. MAJOR STAKEHOLDERS Project Manager: STATE, Private Sector Project management: SONATER Beneficiaries: Agricultural producers, agricultural service providers Other stakeholders: - maintenance and repair workshops; - workshops manufacturing spare parts; - Technical and Financial Partners (TFPs); - Professional Agricultural Organizations (OPA); - the private sector and NGOs; - the other ministerial departments (in charge of industry and commerce, in charge of scientific research and innovation, in charge of youth and vocational training). Coordination and monitoring-evaluation The follow-up of the project will be ensured both by the Project Management Unit and by the external structures involved in the implementation of the project. Joint supervision, monitoring and mid-term review missions will be organized during project implementation. A monitoring-evaluation manual will be developed to identify relevant indicators and define monitoring procedures. In this manual, two types of monitoring will be advocated: internal monitoring and external monitoring. Internal monitoring will be carried out by the project management unit using the dashboards developed for this purpose. Periodic activity reports (quarterly and annual) will be produced. External monitoring will be done in collaboration with the development management and coordination systems available at the national level and will also take into account the specific concerns of the technical and financial partner. Information collected through monitoring and evaluation will inform knowledge management activities, identify and share good practices, identify problems and constraints, and promote continuous improvement of the projects contribution. implementation of national policies. 8. STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS General Objective (Goal): Contribute to the acceleration of the process of agricultural mechanization and the transfer of technology for the intensification of agro-silvo-pastoral production. Specific objectives: 1. Acquire the technology of agricultural equipment manufacturing; 2. set up one (1) assembly unit for agricultural tractors and tillers; 3. facilitate accessibility to motorized agricultural equipment; 4. Develop local capacity for efficient use, maintenance and repair. Expected results : (Deliverables and Effects) 1. The technologies for mounting, operating and using tractors and tillers are under national control; 2. a farm tractor assembly unit, with an average capacity of 500 tractors per year, and other equipment (tillers, hullers, ginning machines, threshing machines, etc.) is set up 3. environ 5 000 tracteurs équipés sont placés auprès des producteurs sur le territoire national à la fin du projet ; 4. un réseau de fabricants d’accessoires de tracteurs et d’autres équipements agricoles (charrues, remorques agraires, pulvériseurs, etc.) est mis en place et produit environ 60% des composants ; 5. des modalités d’acquisition souples et adaptés aux conditions socioéconomiques des producteurs sont adoptées pour faciliter l’accès aux équipements ; 6. au moins cinquante (50) emplois permanents, cent (100) emplois temporaires et 200 emplois indirects sont créés grâce à l’installation de l’usine de montage et des garages de réparation ; 7. une centaine de mécaniciens exerçant dans l’activité de réparation des équipements agricoles est formée et maitrisent les techniques de réparation (hydraulique, électricité, mécanique, etc.); 8. le réseau de vulgarisation et d’appui conseil agricole dispose de 300 techniciens d’agriculture formés à l’utilisation du tracteur agricole et à la gestion des exploitations motorisées et à même d’apporter des conseils avisés aux utilisateurs; Principales Activités : a. transférerla technologie de production de matériels agricoles au Burkina Faso ; b. faciliter l’accès aux matériels agricoles motorisés ; c. développer, au niveau des régions à forte concentration d’utilisateurs de matériels agricoles motorisés, la maintenance et de la réparation desdits matériels ; d. gestion et coordination du projet Impact environnemental et social : L’analyse technique prendra en compte l’impact environnemental du projet et fera le point sur la disponibilité des facteurs de production tels que l’alliage, l’énergie et sur le site d’implantation idéal. Une formation des bénéficiaires avant l’’entrer en possession des équipements du projet permettra de les instruire sur les bonnes pratiques ; cela afin de réduire l’impact des équipements sur les sols. 9. PLAN DE FINANCEMENT Coût estimatif du projet : 49 938 868 100 FCFA Montant mobilisé : 00 FCFA Taux : 0 % Source Montant Instrument de financement (PPP, Budget de l’Etat, Emprunt, Autre) F CFA USD Etat : Promoteur privé: Partenaires au développement : 49 938 868 100 90 797 942 Emprunt/Don Partenaires privés : Reste à mobiliser : 49 938 868 100 90 797 942 Taux : 100 % 10. DUREE - PRINCIPALES ETAPES DU PROJET Délais prévisionnel de réalisation 60 mois Début : 2020 Fin : 2024 |