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Yemen Project Notice - Contribution To Wfps Yemen Interim Country Strategic Plan 2019-2020

Project Notice

PNR 33532
Project Name Contribution to WFPs Yemen Interim Country Strategic Plan 2019-2020
Project Detail SHORT DESCRIPTION: Overall goal The overall goal of WFPs program in Yemen is to contribute to the humanitarian and resilience efforts of humanitarian and development partners in Yemen and to counter the risk of famine. Expected results • Food-insecure people affected by crises across Yemen have access to life-saving, safe and nutritious food all year long. • People at risk of malnutrition across Yemen, especially pregnant and lactating women and girls and children under 5 years old, have reduced levels of malnutrition by 2020. • Vulnerable households across Yemen have access to equitable social safety nets and basic services during and in the aftermath of crises. • International and national partners are supported in their efforts to assist people in Yemen and preserve critical services. Target group / Beneficiaries The contribution of EUR 1 million from Austria will enable WFP to assist 95,830 affected beneficiaries with relief food assistance in the form of commodity vouchers for one month. WFP works with national institutions (such as the Ministry of Public Health and Population), United Nations agencies (such as UNHCR, WHO, FAO and UNICEF), and international and local NGOs. WFP provides commodity-vouchers through traders networks in 8 different governorates throughout the country- Al Hudaydah, Sana’a, Mareb, Dhamar, Taizz, Sana’a City and Lahj. Activities Key activities of the WFP program in Yemen: 1. WFP will provide life-saving food assistance to severely food-insecure households. 2. WFP will provide nutrition assistance to treat and prevent malnutrition. 3. WFP will provide conditional cash assistance to support access to nutrition and health services. 4. WFP will provide school meals to increase the food intake and school attendance of primary school-age children 5. WFP will support community infrastructure rehabilitation and livelihoods through food assistance for assets 6. WFP will provide humanitarian air services through the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS). UNHAS provides safe and reliable air transport services and standby capacity for the evacuation of humanitarian staff if required. 7. WFP will lead the logistics cluster. The logistics cluster fills logistics gaps, facilitates access to a common services platform and enables over 60 organizations to conduct their activities in Yemen. 8. WFP will lead the Emergency telecommunications cluster (ETC). Based on agency needs, the ETC provides secure telecommunications support, internet hubs, connectivity and related services, technical support, and oversight of IT infrastructure on demand as well as IT infrastructure for the cholera response. 9. WFP will provide on-demand services to partner agencies (WHO, UNICEF, NGOs, etc.), including by managing a revolving fuel facility to provide fuel to partners, hospitals and water treatment plants, and constructing diarrhoea treatment centres as part of the cholera response.
Funded By Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Sector Financial Services
Country Yemen , Western Asia
Project Value YER 1,000,000

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Company Name World Food Programme
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