Project Detail |
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Overall goal The aim of the program is to contribute to the development of world awareness (concept Global Citizenship Education) in Austrian society within the frame of reference of the Sustainable Development Goals. Südwind offers development programs and services nationwide in two main fields of work (1) educational work as well as (2) information and media work. Central concerns are the promotion of (2) development policy discourse and engagement in Austria as well as (1) the contribution to a better understanding and critical reflection of global contexts linked to ones own lifeworld. Expected results Program area (1): Education / Global Learning Regional development policy information desks at 6 locations / Budesländer with 3,000? or 5000? educational materials / media per site (540 consultations annually, borrowed over 6,200 materials); approx. 18 infos / presentations per project year; approx. 18 media packages per project year realized (including 1 media package and advisory concept on Agenda 2030 / SDGs, one reading tour (including publication), 1 meeting per year of the association of development policy libraries, with 165 seminar units per year, around 680 multipliers are reached, 35 continuing education programs ( altg.150 further training units) for multipliers per project year, 20 exhibitions (one week each including an accompanying program, plus a poster exhibition from 2020), 28 regional information events and activities (lectures, discussions, presentations of studies, readings, Program area (2): Media and information work Published media articles: print, online and TV / radio per region (at least 10 articles / clippings per region and year, recorded by regular media monitoring); Press releases (35 per year) and press events (21 per year) organized; 21 newsletters per year (3 per regional office) sent out; Continuing education program for employees of regional media and public relations work (once a year); Number of evaluation interviews with journalists (1x per region per year); Number of Skype conferences for nationwide exchanges (2 per year); Journalist database: update and adaptation to the new privacy policy As the coordinating office of the ISJE Observatory: At least 2 newsletters per year with thematic focus and prepared information on the SDGs and issues of global development; minute 8 contributions with development policy content (based on advice from the ISJE) per year; minute 5 personal meetings and contacts with individual editors and / or senders and department heads; 600 editors who receive the ISJE newsletter; at least 2 platform meetings per year, documented by agendas and minutes; 3 meetings / contacts with development policy actors in Austria per year; minute 2 training events for future or in-service journalists per year; Number and feedback of the participants (at least 40 per year) at the training and further education events; minute Various multipliers are directly reached (14,000 teachers (about 10% of all teachers in Austria), 300 youth work professionals, 250 adult educators, 500 other multipliers, through seminars another 1,200 (including teaching students), 2,500 journalists, 18,000 subscribers to the Südwind Newsletter, 450 NGOs, 200,000 social media. Indirectly 200,000 people per year (education) and via media approx. 4 million people reached in Austria. Target group / Beneficiaries Goal and dialogue groups include those who are interested in development policy or those confronted with development policy issues or multipliers (eg teachers, youth work professionals, adult educators, experts, volunteers, NGOs), who are addressed through educational opportunities at the regional level. In addition, media and influencers in particular are addressed, as well as pupils, students and a broader public. The project is based on a broad basis of cooperation, Südwind is (inter) nationally networked and technically recognized. Partners outside the field of development policy are also involved: education and training institutions (PHs, universities, FHs), platforms and WG (national strategy group Global Learning, working group Global Learning / Innsbruck, Bundesjugedvertretung, boJA, AGGV, etc.), institutions / associations on a regional level (Municipalities, libraries, VHS, etc.), schools / school administration / BMBWF, media. The focus is on the regional implementation in 7 federal states (Vorarlberg / Dornbirn, Tyrol / Innsbruck, Salzburg / Szbg, Upper Austria / Linz, Lower Austria / Wiener Neustadt, Styria / Graz and Vienna) Activities Building on the results and experiences of previous years, 2019-2020 will continue to use tried and tested tools and measures across Austria and develop them further in terms of quality. In terms of content, the 2019-20 program focuses on communicating and communicating Agenda 2030 / SDGs (Global Sustainable Development Goals). |