Project Detail |
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Overall goal The aim of the project is to promote knowledge about global or developmental contexts by providing relevant information and media (didactic teaching materials, monographs, childrens and teen books, games and AV media) for school and extracurricular education. Expected results - The rental and distribution offers are activated annually by a. 800 - 1,000 teachers and multipliers used. Indirectly, this will reach 48,000 - 100,000 students. - Approx. 16,000 - 20,000 visitors in total in the C3 library, 20,000 - 30,000 rental transactions in the BAOBAB collection. - Acquisition of 500 - 700 new educational media, which are recorded in the library database and made available to users in the rental industry. - 40 - 80 documents in PDF format have been added to the library catalog and can be researched and downloaded directly. - 80 BAOBAB library tours and trainings reach approximately 2,000 people. - The magazine Global Learning in the classroom is published in newsletter format and sent 8 times to approximately 13,000 people. - A book delivery service for librarians was set up, advertised and used 100-200 times. - Publication of 8 - 12 new films with didactic material on DVD and as video on demand. Target group / Beneficiaries Target groups are elementary educators, teachers of all types of schools and grades, pupils; Lecturers and students at universities and colleges of education, adult educators, multipliers of NGOs and in extracurricular education, libraries, film locations in Austria and Germany. Cooperation partners in Austria are ÖFSE, Frauensolidarität, Mattersburger Kreis, Paulo Freire Center, Südwind, KommEnt, Welthaus Graz, Europahaus Burgenland, Intercultural Center, Sprachförderzentrum des Stadtschulrates, UNHCR, Polis Center, Austrian Society for Political Education, Association of Austrian Librarians, ZOOM Childrens Museum, AK Vienna, Center for Teacher Education at the University of Vienna. International cooperation partners are EZEF (D), Misereor (D), EPIZ (D) and Education21 (CH). Regional orientation: Vienna, Austria. Activities BAOBAB - together with Womens Solidarity and ÖFSE - maintains around 8,000 - 10,000 visitors each year at about 210 opening days, conducts library tours and training courses for specific target groups, and advises in person, by telephone and in writing on the selection of materials and the implementation of Global learning in education. BAOBAB coordinates the pool of libraries for global learning and is responsible for the maintenance, control and development of the library database and the online catalog, which covers the Austrian-wide inventory of seven libraries. Information about the libraries offer or about topics and events is communicated to an interested public via electronic newsletters. The magazine Global Learning in the classroom is being converted to a four-monthly electronic newsletter, which presents attractive media for specific age groups on a specific topic. In the series Weltbilder, films on North-South topics are made available for educational work. The films document international developments and take up current development policy issues. The films are reproduced for information and educational purposes and offered for sale and sale throughout Austria. Selected documentary and feature films will be accompanied by written background information and working aids. |