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Australia Project Notice - Contribution To The Sahel And West Africa Club - Work Program 2019 - 2020

Project Notice

PNR 33513
Project Name Contribution to the Sahel and West Africa Club - Work Program 2019 - 2020
Project Detail SHORT DESCRIPTION: Overall goal The objective of the Sahel West Africa Club Secretariat (SWAC) is to strengthen regional and international strategy coordination mechanisms and to help to adapt policy visions and tools to the changing circumstances in West Africa. Main objectives of the SWAC programme of work 2019-2020 are the strengthening of the regional governance of food and nutrition security in West Africa with a special focus on cities and borders and the effectiveness of cross-border cooperation. Expected results Improvement in policy makers and key stakeholders understanding of food and nutritional security issues in the region, enabling a better functioning of the food economy. More effective regional policies and better co-ordination of policies at a regional level. Improved living conditions of the populations in the shared, interdependent area formed by the 17 countries of the ECOWAS, UEMOA and CILSS. Continued participation by SWAC Members in consultations to improve information-sharing among key stakeholders and promote concerted and consistent actions. Provision of data, analyses and approaches to facilitate the creation of territorial-based policies and programmes. Increased analyses on African cities and urbanisation dynamics. Improved evidence-base on cities and urbanisation dynamics and their impact on economies and societies to inform policy and strategy formulation processes. Support for taking into account structural transformations associated with cities, settlement and mobility in development agendas and public policies. An annual report published in the OECD West African Studies series that will update, map and analyse recent and/or resurgent factors of violence in West Africa, their characteristics and evolution. Co-ordination of the Sahel and West Africa Week, and promotion of leading work and regional actions using the SWAC website, social media, News Briefs and Maps and Facts. One policy report on youth employment trends, local economy interactions and implications for policy and programme design. Up to three key facts and policy sheets, visualisations of the main trends, challenges and opportunities (maps, graphs, key data) and policy implications. One international policy dialogue event to present findings, report and discuss the policy implications of the programme with SWAC Members and representatives from governments, local stakeholders and international partners. Target group / Beneficiaries 600 participants to the bi-annual meetings, 6000 recipients of corporate communications relative to this project (almost 100 000 interactions as a result), 2 000 Twitter followers. 4000 recipients of corporate communications relative to this project, 7000 unique users of the Africapolis website, 100 attendees of the SWAC Week thematic sessions. 1000 recipients of the 2019 Cross-Border publication, 4000 recipients of corporate communications relative to this Project. 400 attendees of the Sahel and West Africa Week, 3000 visitors to the SWAC website. 4000 recipients of corporate communications relative to this project. 100 attendees to the proposed conference. Activities Bi-annual meetings, policy briefs, studies and the construction of appropriate frameworks for consulting with civil society organisations. Implementation of a monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the implementation, a forum for both national and regional policy dialogue and the writing of specific studies and policy briefs.
Funded By Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Sector Services
Country Australia , Australia and New Zealand
Project Value AUD 400,000

Contact Information

Company Name Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development / Sahel and West Africa Club
Web Site

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