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Uganda Project Notice - Long-Term Safe Water Coverage In Bidibidi Camp

Project Notice

PNR 33478
Project Name Long-Term Safe Water Coverage in BidiBidi Camp
Project Detail SHORT DESCRIPTION: Overall goal The project contributes to safeguarding the lives and health of South Sudanese refugees and host communities in Northern Uganda. This shall be achieved by the provision of safe water through several kilometres of pipe network, the establishment of a sustainable O&M system (integrated into the national framework of the Uganda MWE) and by addressing identified needs in hygiene promotion. Expected results 1. 38.690 refugees and 11.610 host community members have daily access to safe water, which meets UNHCR standards for post-emergency/recovery phase and protracted crises 2. Water Systems functionality is maintained beyond project period through community contribution and incorporation into governmental O&M structures 3. Improved hygiene behavior and awareness regarding environmental protection of 16.580 people Target group / Beneficiaries The total number of direct beneficiaries of proposed project will be 42.537 refugees and 12.761 host community members. The total number of indirect beneficiaries will be 492.841 refugees in West Nile and respective host communities. Activities Activities include: - Replacement and redirection of main water transmission lines and construction of water transmission networks in BidiBidi camp Zone 1 - Connection and rehabilitation of tab stands considering needs of people with disabilities - Establishment of 14 water and sanitation committees in the target area (one per village) - Conduct 5 information campaigns and 28 focus group discussions on water system O&M - Recruitment training and equipment of 4 local scheme operators - Facilitate agreement between community and private/public actors on an affordable tariff and the launch of payment for water - Formalizing of roles of stakeholders in a longer-term O&M framework - Training of 12 URCS community volunteers on PHAST methodology - PHAST ToT for 14 water user committees (group sessions) and community-HP roadmap - Production and distribution of IEC and training materials with water user committees - HP public broadcasting campaigns (x3) - radio spots, radio talkshows, etc. - Total of 42 PHAST trainings on community level, 3x per village
Funded By Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Sector Water & Sanitation
Country Uganda , Eastern Africa
Project Value UGX 552,461

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Company Name Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz
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