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Ethiopia Project Notice - Integrated WASH And Nutrition Response For Conflict Affected Idps And Host Communities In Somali Region

Project Notice

PNR 33475
Project Name Integrated WASH and Nutrition Response for Conflict affected IDPs and Host Communities in Somali Region
Project Detail The overall objective of this project is to reduce malnutrition and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) related morbidity and mortality amongst internally displaced persons (IDPs), children, pregnant and lactating women and other vulnerable groups in Fafan and Erer zones of Ethiopia’s Somali region through timely intervention of emergency Nutrition and WASH responses Expected results 1. Rehabilitation of 10,211 children under five and pregnant and lactating women affected by moderate or severe acute malnutrition through establishing and/or strengthening therapeutic and supplementary feeding centers. 2. Increased access to safe water supply, sanitation facilities, and hygienic practices (WASH) for 30,000 women, men, boys and girls living in IDP camps and host communities. . Target group / Beneficiaries This project will respond to the nutritional and WASH needs of 30,000 women, men, girls and boys from the IDPs and host communities who have been affected by prolonged drought, food insecurity, and recent conflicts. Conflict induced IDPs, children under the age of five and pregnant and lactating women (PLW), elders and persons with disability are the main target beneficiaries for this project. The project will target approximately 60% IDP and 40% host community. The breakdown of direct beneficiaries is as follow: • 10,211 individuals for Nutrition • 30,000 individuals benefiting from WASH- Interventions There is an overlap of 10,211 individuals, who benefit from both nutrition and WASH intervention. The Project is implemented by CARE Ethiopia, in Fafan zone and Erer zone of Ethiopias Somali Region. Activities 1.1: Conducting mobilization and screening of children under five and pregnant and lactating women for acute malnutrition; 1.2: Admission and treating 1,840 children under the age of five affected by Severy Acute Malnutrition (SAM) at stabilization centers and Outpatient Therapeutic Programme (OTPs); 1.3: Distribute supplementary food to 10,211 SAM and Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM)affected children less than five years and pregnant and lactating mothers at health posts and health centers; 1.4: Provide maternal and child nutrition education including counselling onInfant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) , maternal nutrition for mothers and care takers at food distribution points, OTP and Stabilization Centers (SCs); 1.5: Provide Therapeutic Feeding Programme (TFP) kits and supplies including medicaments to treat children affected with SAM; 1.6: Provide on the job training on screening, admission, and treatment of cases of acute malnutrition to 130 Health workers, and Health extension workers; 2.1: Rehabilitation of ten shallow wells and three motorized boreholes; 2.2: Establishment and training of 13 WASH Committees; 2.3: Construction of semi-permanent latrines at IDP sites (7 Blocks); 2.4 Provision of solid waste disposal systems in 7 IDP sites; 2.5: Establishment and strengthening of waste disposal systems for Health facilities/SCs (6 SCs); 2.6 Basic hygiene and sanitation and IYCF-E training for government staffs; 2.7 Hygiene and sanitation awareness raising sessions with IDPs and host communities.
Funded By Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Sector Health & Medical
Country Ethiopia , Eastern Africa
Project Value ETB 700,000

Contact Information

Company Name CARE Österreich, Verein für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und humanitäre Hilfe
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