Project Detail |
The Rural Enterprise, Health and Environment in the Atlantic Region (PROGRESA II) is a four-year project to strengthen value chains in cocoa and livestock sectors in the region of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. The program will be implemented by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in a consortium with TechnoServe (TNS) and Lutheran World Relief (LWR). CRS and its partners will work with small producers of cocoa in 14 municipalities in the North Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN), South Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAS) and San Juan de Nicaragua River. PROGRESA II is unique in its dual focus on cacao agroforestry and sustainable livestock development, two of the most important in the Atlantic Region economic sectors. This combination creates complementary opportunities to generate income in the short term, development of sustainable livelihoods in the medium and long term, and preservation and regeneration of natural resources. PROGRESA II long-term impact is through the development of linkages to profitable markets and relationships between buyers and sellers, strengthening producer cooperatives, and the facilitation of infrastructure investments added value for both. Related Resources Activities - Coffee farming families establish nurseries and design appropriate farm plans - Coffee farming families implement best management practices - Families of the coffee sector have established a system of monitoring and weather alert - Educational community trained in climate change and adaptation options - Farming families have developed plans to adapt to climate variations - Coffee producing families set courtyard gardens - Farmworker families diversify and improve their food security Additional Information LWR works to improve value addition and enterprise returns to smallholder farmers in high-value commodity chains, including coffee, cocoa, spices and dried fruits, among others. LWR promotes farmer aggregation and has specialized knowledge in farmer organization capacity development, including business plan and management development. LWR has also developed a series of value chain toolkits that provide specialized technical assistance to farmers. Locations Nicaragua>Atlantico Norte>Waslala Sectors Agriculture Environment |