Project Detail |
The project supports the second phase of the National School Infrastructure Plan, Piano Scuola, for the years 2018-2020. It involves a variety of safety and modernisation measures to improve principally anti-seismic resilience and fire prevention. The project comprises four funding streams, structured according to a set of legal decrees oriented at delivering over 3 000 well-identified schemes, including the extension, new construction, reconstruction and renovation of public pre-primary, primary and secondary schools. Objectives The new project will continue to support the high-level objectives of the EUs 2020 strategy in the education field as well as the Banks Innovation and Skills (Knowledge Economy) priority on Education and Training. It contributes to requalifying and upgrading the quality of education services provided in pre-, primary and secondary schools. The project capitalises on the governments Education strategy, reformed in 2017 with a new emphasis on digital considerations and Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro, or vocational training schemes. The operation is strongly supported by the Italian government, which approved a set of related budgetary and legal decrees, oriented at upgrading physical and human capital in Italy, with the overall goals of improving Education attainments and two key Europe 2020 targets, namely the number of 30 to 34 year olds with a tertiary degree and drop-out rates. Comments n/a Sector(s) Education - Education Proposed EIB finance (Approximate amount) EUR 1300 million |