Project Detail |
PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PEP IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE EXPORT INITIATIVE ENERGY OF THE BMWI (PHASE IV) Project Development Program Global (Phase 4) PROJECT DETAILS Project number: 2017.9065.8 Status: ongoing project Responsible organizational unit: G310 Energy, water, transport Contact: Martin Hofmann Partner countries: Global projects, Convention / Sector / Pilot, Burkina Faso, Botswana, Côte dIvoire, Cameroon, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Cambodia, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Myanmar, Mauritius, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Senegal, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia SUMMARY Aims: In cooperation with local companies, German renewable energy companies are promoting renewable energy technologies in developing and emerging countries and are finding improved framework conditions for long-term market engagement. customer: Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy Project partners: It is a supraregional sector project Financier: not available PROJECT VALUE Total project: 29 361 108 Euro Current project: 20 250 000 euros COMBINED FINANCING not available PREVIOUS PROJECTS 2014.9027.5 PEP Sub-Saharan Africa III SUCCESSOR PROJECTS not available RUNNING TIME Total project: 27/08/2012 - 31/03/2023 Current project: 01.04.2018 - 31.03.2023 CONTACT Project website not available DEVELOPMENTAL IDENTIFIERS Participatory Development and Good Governance: The project is not focused on PD / GG or can not (yet) be rated Environmental and resource protection, ecological sustainability Project outcome level: Project component aims at environmental and / or resource protection Gender equality Project has proven to have no potential to promote equality Poverty orientation General development orientation CRS-KEY Energy production, renewable sources - various .. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (DE) background The Energy Export Initiative was launched in 2002 by the German Bundestag in order to make a significant contribution to climate protection through the dissemination of German quality products in the field of renewable energies (RE). Since then, German small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the fields of renewable energies, energy efficiency (EnEff), smart grids and storage technologies have been supported in their positioning in international markets. In addition to the AHK business travel program, the dena RES program and the special trade fair program, the Project Development Program for Developing and Emerging Countries (PEP) introduced in 2007 is a key pillar of the Energy Export Initiative. The PEP is carried out by the German Association for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH. In the fourth phase, the PEP operates in the following target regions: Western Africa, Southern and Eastern Africa, Middle East, South Asia and Southeast Asia. The objectives of the program will be pursued, inter alia, by the following measures: Business development • Information events / travel, studies and webinars in Germany provide German companies with background information on foreign markets in order to enable a targeted placement of climate-friendly energy solutions. • Through PEP / AHK business travel, German companies are provided with local partnerships with companies from the target countries and potential applications for German technology products and services are shown. project development • Identifying project opportunities for the renewable energy and EnEff industries, especially those that are already competitive without additional support over conventional energy supplies. Central to this are operator models for the power supply of commercial and industrial electricity customers, who consume the generated electricity directly on site. • Detailed analysis of these opportunities in the form of sector analyzes will be made available to the industry. • Assistance in the development of the project and in the marketing of success. • Provide information on funding opportunities for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East and Asia. market development • Innovative training formats provide local participants with technological and business content that they need for the dissemination of climate-friendly energy systems. • At specialist workshops, conferences and trade fairs German companies can make their offer known to political and economic decision-makers and form partnerships. • Initiation and organization of dialogue processes between politics and business to improve the regulatory framework for renewable energies. Energy supply of refugee camps • Through cooperation with the UN refugee agency UNHCR and other aid organizations, German technology providers are to be given the opportunity to cover part of the energy needs of refugee camps by renewable energies, thus reducing the generation of electricity from diesel generators and thus increasing the operating costs of UNHCR reduce. |