Project Detail |
SUSTAINABLE CITY SUPPLY - SUPPLY CHAIN LOGISTICS Sustainable Supply Chain Logistics for Cities PROJECT DETAILS Project number: 2013.2112.4 Status: ongoing project Responsible organizational unit: 2100 South Asia Contact: Mohamed El-Khawad Partner countries: India, India SUMMARY Aims: The population of the cities of Bangalore and Mysore as well as in small towns in the district of Chikmagalur has increased access to fresher, regional food in a hygienically appropriate environment. customer: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and development Project partners: Government of Karnataka Financier: not available PROJECT VALUE Total project: 3,000,000 euros Current project: 3,000,000 euros COMBINED FINANCING not available PREVIOUS PROJECTS not available SUCCESSOR PROJECTS not available RUNNING TIME Overall project: 18.06.2014 - 30.11.2019 Current project: 01.12.2014 - 30.11.2019 CONTACT Project website not available DEVELOPMENTAL IDENTIFIERS Participatory Development and Good Governance: Project Outcome Level: Project component targets PD / GG Environmental and resource protection, ecological sustainability Project objective level: The project is aimed primarily at environmental protection and / or resource conservation Gender Equality Project has been shown to have a positive impact on equality Poverty orientation Cross-cutting poverty reduction at macro and sector level CRS-KEY Transport policy and administration PROJECT DESCRIPTION Context In the state of Karnataka, close to 39 percent of the population - that is 25 million people - lives in cities and procures their fruits and vegetables at the urban markets. The fresh food supply to the cities is, however, characterized by inefficiencies due to opaque market information, inadequate transportation system, restrictive marketing opportunities, and a deficient infrastructure all along the supply chain. This causes a delayed delivery of fresh produce to the final points of sale. High physical losses of fresh produce are reported (estimated to be up to 30 per cent), due to lack of storage and cooling facilities, poor handling, and inadequate packaging. Moreover, fresh produce trade in urban areas is often carried out under unhygienic conditions. These inefficiencies result in high prices to the consumers, leading to food security issues and farmers distress. Objective The Sustainable Supply Chains for Perishables into Cities project Chikmagalur, Chamarajnagar, Kolar, Hassan, and Cities in the districts of Chikmagalur, and Chikmagalur Bangalore Rural. Approach The project works in two main areas: - - Improving the logistics and supply chains for fresh produce: In order to increase the rate of perishables that reach the urban market in a salable and fresh state, the concept of fresh produce value chain needs to be incorporated into the rural and urban development strategies. This means improving the management of urban freight transport and providing administrative regulations for urban markets. Moreover, the Farmers-Producers Organizations (FPOs) in their marketing activities are responsible for investing in warehousing and distribution centers. Efficiency in the supply chain can be reduced and the food mileage be reduced. Better urban freight transport management would lead to reduced emissions and traffic congestion, improving the quality of life in urban centers. - Improving the street markets: Retail fruit and vegetable street markets are an alternative to the emerging network of supermarkets. Yet, most of them need refurbishment, especially with regards to the sanitary situation. The project cooperates with city administrators, urban planners, trader associations, and suppliers / more appealing, affordable, and convenient to customers. This includes building and improving their facilities and infrastructure to provide well-maintained sanitation facilities, adequate garbage disposal systems, better traffic management systems, as well as, constructing concrete pavements and market sheds. - It is intended to replicate these model solutions in other cities across India. fterefore, the project supports the development of capacity within city administrations, on-the-job training and additional training courses (Human Capacity Development). Besides working with public stakeholders, cooperating with the private sector is an essential element of the projects approach. results The target group of the project is the urban population of Karnataka and in particular, the disadvantaged sections of society. So small-scale farmers, traders, retailers, and customers want to benefit from the intervention. Emphasis is given to gender aspects, inclusion of marginalized groups of society and disabled persons, participation of all stakeholders, and employment opportunities for the poorer sections of the population. The project aims at achieving the following results: - Reduction in the wastage and loss of selected perishables (tomatoes, capsicum, banana, papayas). - Improvement in freshness and the quality of vegetables and fruits offered at the refurbished street markets. - Development of gender-sensitive standards for the modernization of street markets. Five street markets wants to be refurbished according to. - Reduction in fuel consumption for transportation due to the more efficient supply chains. This would lead to a reduction in the carbon footprint of the urban markets. |