Project Notice |
PNR | 32735 |
Project Name | Abidjan Urban Mobility Project |
Project Detail | The Project Development Objective is to improve accessibility to economic and social opportunities and to increase efficiency of the public transport system along the Yopougon-Bingerville corridor and its feeder lines in Abidjan Implementation of the East-West Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor between Yopougon and Bingerville 380.00 Strengthening of SOTRA and the restructuring of the feeder system to mass transit lines 75.00 Organizing the artisanal transport sector and last-mile accessibility 50.00 Human Capital Development and Operational Support 25.00 |
Funded By | World Bank |
Sector | Transportation |
Country | Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) , Western Africa |
Project Value | XOF 540,000,000 |
Contact Information |
Company Name | Ministry of Transport |
Address | Anne Cecile Sophie Souhaid, Franck Taillandier |
Web Site | |