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Cambodia Project Notice - Cambodia Sustainable Landscape And Ecotourism Project

Project Notice

PNR 32274
Project Name Cambodia Sustainable Landscape and Ecotourism Project
Project Detail The objective of the Sustainable Landscape and Ecotourism Project is to improve protected areas management, and to promote ecotourism opportunities and non-timber forest product value chains in the Cardamom Mountains-Tonle Sap landscape. There are five components to the project, the first component being strengthen capacity for Protected Areas (PAs) landscape planning and management. This component will help address these issues through strategic investments in information and decision support systems for PA planning and management and that support PA Law enforcement; strategy development, training, logistical support, and equipment for PA Law enforcement; PA zoning, boundary demarcation, and development of management plans; and the PAs’ revenue management model for Cambodia. This component includes two subcomponents: information systems and decision support, and PAs landscape planning, management, and enforcement. The second component is the strengthen opportunities for ecotourism and NTFP value chains. This component aims to finance critical investments as well as to strengthen the enabling environment for expanding opportunities for ecotourism and NTFP value chains in Cambodia. This component includes two subcomponents: strengthen opportunities for ecotourism development, and promotion of NTFP value chains. The third component is to improve access and connectivity. Rural roads in Cambodia lack adequate all-weather road surfaces, width, and capacity, and they are not adequate to accommodate the growing need for goods and people transport. Over 80 percent of rural roads in Cambodia are still receiving laterite or gravel surface covers, causing significant problems during the wet season, because of road deformation and destruction as well as high operation and management costs, and during dry season because of major dust development. The fourth component is the projec Read Less»
Funded By World Bank
Sector Environment
Country Cambodia , South Eastern Asia
Project Value KHR 53,160,000

Contact Information

Company Name Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Rural Development
Address Anjali Acharya, Maurice Andres Rawlins
Web Site

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