Project Detail |
The European mink (Mustela lutreola) is the second most threatened mammal in Europe. In the last decade, its population has been halved by habitat degradation and introduction of American Mink (Neovison vison) populations. This invasive species is larger and less habitat-restricted than the European mink. It is unclear whether dietary overlap occurs between these mink species, although skull morphology would suggest that the American mink has access to a wider variety of food items. MINKS aims to compare the mechanical performance of the jaws in feeding to assess the range of potential foods and extent of dietary competition between both mink species. To accomplish this, MINKS will combine computer modelling techniques (iodine-enhanced microCT scans, finite element analysis (FEA)) with 3D geometric morphometric methods (3DGM) for statistical shape analysis. Differences in skull morphology between both mink species will be assessed, and the skull anatomy of each species will be 3D modelled and subjected to FEA, which will then be compared using 3DGM. MINKS will pair the morphological and zoological expertise of the experienced researcher (ER) with the state-of-the-art facilities for morphometrics and virtual simulation at the Centre for Anatomical and Human Sciences (CAHS), University of York (UK). This will provide the ER with the opportunity to restart his academic career and develop into an independent researcher. MINKS represents the first 3D study on muscular architecture in carnivorans, and also the first application of CAHS’ whole-system-function methodology to the study of carnivoran anatomy. The results of this research will be applied to develop innovative target-specific solutions that allow controlling American mink populations, particularly in areas where the food items available increase the survivability of the European mink. These findings will be disseminated to mink conservation projects to inform conservation strategies. |