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United Kingdom Project Notice - Thrust Reverser Unit Flow Visualization

Project Notice

PNR 32029
Project Name Thrust Reverser Unit flow visualization
Project Detail Thrust Reverser Unit flow visualization – TRUflow will develop novel measurement techniques for the visualization and evaluation of reverse flow interactions with fan aerodynamics in short slim engine nacelle designs applicable to the next generation of ultra-high bypass ratio (UHBR) aero engines. UHBR engine architectures offer increased propulsive efficiency through operation at reduced specific thrust, enabled by increased engine diameter. This poses challenges, both in terms of the aerodynamics of the isolated nacelle, and the potential for interference effects between the different engine components such as the Thrust Reverser Unit (TRU). TRUflow will initially investigate several visualization techniques using a static demonstrator as a workbench for these measurement techniques. Following this investigation, a Wind Tunnel Test (WTT) will be carried out aiming to prove the efficacy of these techniques. In parallel, TRUflow will develop and verify a numerical methodology for the evaluation of TRU cascades. The numerical and experimental data will be fused together to generate a reduced order model of the TRU unit suitable for design.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Sector Airports & Aviation
Country United Kingdom , Western Europe
Project Value GBP 2,514,805

Contact Information

Address Manton Lane Mk41 7pf Bedford
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