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Niger Project Notice - Programme For Integrated Development And Adaptation To Climate Change

Project Notice

PNR 31915
Project Name Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change
Project Detail Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Niger Basin (PIDACC/NB) APPROVED OCTOBER 2018 EST. IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD 6.0 YEARS Improving the resilience of populations and ecosystems in the Niger Basin by managing natural resources sustainably. The Niger Basin of the Sahel is one of Africa’s most vulnerable regions to climate change. Over the past six decades, the total annual rainfall has reduced by 20 to 40 percent. Recurrent droughts have resulted in the increasing fragility of ecosystems, and reduced social resilience that disproportionately affects women, children and disabled people in the basin. This programme will address these drivers by implementing a series of integrated and comprehensive actions that reduce the silting of the Niger River, improve natural resources management and enhance the population’s ability to adapt to climate change. It also includes some mitigation activities, including through forestry and land use. The project has an estimated lifespan of 6 years. Countries Benin BEN Burkina Faso BFA Cameroon CMR Chad TCD Côte dIvoire CIV Guinea GIN Mali MLI Niger NER Nigeria NGA
Funded By African Development Bank (AfDB)
Sector Environment
Country Niger , Western Africa
Project Value XOF 209,900,000

Contact Information

Company Name Executive Secretary of Niger Basin Authority (NBA)
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