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Mali Project Notice - Mali Solar Rural Electrification Project

Project Notice

PNR 31901
Project Name Mali solar rural electrification project
Project Detail Mali solar rural electrification project APPROVED FEBRUARY 2019 EST. IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD 3.0 YEARS This first phase of the project will promote rural electrification through isolated solar photovoltaic (PV) green mini-grid systems as a low-carbon and resilient solution to the effects of climate change in the energy sector of Mali. This would be achieved by: increasing the rural populations access to electricity in 50 identified communities by (a) switching energy demand from diesel generators, kerosene lamps, paraffin candles and other emitting sources; and (b) by installing 4.83 megawatts of isolated solar PV mini-grid systems. In addition this project will strengthen the capacity of public institutions engaged in rural electrification; catalyse the development of an efficient solar market that will enable Mali to meet its renewable energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets; contribute to the regulatory framework through capacity-building and putting in place an institutional framework to further promote the deployment of renewable energy; and catalyse the inclusion of the private sector in the programme through the incentivisation of workable and long-term operation and maintenance concessions. This project has an estimated lifespan of 25 years.
Funded By West African Development Bank (BOAD)
Sector Energy & Power
Country Mali , Western Africa
Project Value SOS 3,860,000

Contact Information

Company Name Ministry of Energy and Water
Address Mr Boureima Camara Work: (+223) 66 80 57 56
Web Site

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