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Nepal Project Notice - Urban Governance And Infrastructure Project

Project Notice

PNR 31890
Project Name Urban Governance and Infrastructure Project
Project Detail Project Description In the context of rapid urbanization and ongoing fiscal federalism in Nepal, the proposed project will support Nepal’s urban development through a bi-pronged approach of: (i) financing strategic infrastructure investment; and (ii) providing institutional and capacity development support to the participating Urban Local Governments (ULGs). The project consists of three components: • Component 1: Municipal Infrastructure Investment. Strategic infrastructure investments, including improvements in municipal roads, storm water drainage, drinking water supply, wastewater, and solid waste management. • Component 2: Institutional Capacity Development. Capacity building to strengthen participating ULGs as well as provincial and federal governments in strengthening their institutional capacity for improved design, supervision, operation and maintenance of municipal infrastructure investments. • Component 3: Project Management, Coordination and Monitoring. This will provide technical assistance to strengthen the capacity of a Project Coordination Office (PCO) and Project Implementation Units (PIUs) for managing and coordinating project activities.
Funded By Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Sector Construction
Country Nepal , Southern Asia
Project Value NPR 300,000,000

Contact Information

Company Name Department of Urban Development and Building Construction (DUDBC)
Address Mr. Padma Mainalee Project Director, PMU / Joint Secretary, DUDBC
Web Site

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