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South Africa Project Notice - Horn Of Africa - Groundwater Initiative

Project Notice

PNR 31642
Project Name Horn of Africa - Groundwater Initiative
Project Detail Project Development Objective To supportselected IGAD countries prepare for the development and management of groundwater through strengthening knowledge systems, building their capacity and assessing the feasibility of specific investments. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Project Components 1. The proposed project with an estimated budget of US$ 2.7 million. has been structured around four main components that start addressing the abovementioned gaps. Each component includes a regional dimension, with a set of activities at local, national or transboundary level in the Horn of Africa, and a global dimension aiming at developing guidance for assessing and managing groundwater in dryland regions in Africa and elsewhere. The Project components are:- 2. Component 1: Expand the knowledge base on regional groundwater resources (US$500,000). This component seeks to continue taking stock of existing information and initiatives to establish a baseline of knowledge on the physical and social aspects of groundwater resources in the region, engaging external partners for some of the activities as needed. This component consists of: (i) technical studies to determine the availability, variability, and natural recharge of shallow groundwater and (ii) workshops to disseminate and validate the technical studies. Building on the methodology of a pilot study to understand availability, spatial and temporal variability, and reliability in the regions of Somaliland and Puntland, volumes of water available for harvesting for 7, 14, and 21 days monthly will be defined at catchment level for the entire region. The input data used for the study will be extracted from a modelling exercise being carried out at the Intergovernmental Authority on Development Climate Prediction and Application Center (ICPAC) in Nairobi, Kenya. This subcomponent will be complemented by mapping of the potential groundwater recharge zones in the arid lands of the IGAD region (funded by the European Space Agency [ESA]). 3. Component 2: Strengthen capacities in groundwater development and management in IGAD member countries (US$500,000). This component consists of a program of capacity building to: (i) identify institutional needs and regional cooperation opportunities, particularly as they relate to groundwater and drought resilience and on transboundary cooperation; and (b) validation of findings with key stakeholders, including, inter alia, regional, national and local institutions, universities, civil society organizations. Activities under this component will focus specifically on the nexus “groundwater and drought resilience and on transboundary cooperation,” technical aspects such as design for drilling and completion of (deep) wells, manual drilling of shallow wells, and pump selection. Some capacitybuilding activities proposed will be more tailored to state-level needs. Under this component, IGAD member states will have active role in defining their needs as well as mobilizing relevant sector institutions at the national and sub national levels including basin authorities, universities, CSOs, NGO’s and others. 4. Component 3: Maximize the benefits of groundwater to strengthen resilience to drought and economic development in the region (US$1,500,000). This component consists of: (i) the development of feasibility studies related to sectoral water needs and assessment of economically exploitable groundwater resources as a means to build resilience to drought using groundwater in up to three IGAD areas; (ii) preparation of a ToR for the Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs); and (iii) development of any safeguard-related instruments, including ESIAs. The feasibility studies will include assessment of environmental and social factors that might affect the study areas, with accompanying mitigation measures. The component will focus on sectoral water needs and on assessing economically exploitable groundwater resources (as opposed to theoretically available resources) and starts identifying suitable solutions to build resilience to drought using groundwater. The development in future demands from groundwater resources will certainly require a more detailed understanding of the water availability, water quality, and the potential pollution threats because the available knowledge is not enough for the aquifers in use. Some priorities include Mt. Elgon (between Uganda and Kenya), Merti (between Somalia and Kenya), and Bagara Aquifera between South Sudan and Sudan. All these are shared groundwater resources and, if developed, have huge potential in promoting cooperation among the shared water resource users. The studies will be outsourced to professional consultancy firms and will also provide general guidelines for groundwater assessment and development in different aquifer types (geology) and at different depths. Depending on the outcomes of these feasibility studies, other potential aquifers will be considered for feasibility study during the Mid Term Review of the project. 5. Component 4: Project management, monitoring, and evaluation (US$200,000). This component consists of: (i) key consultancies to support Project implementation; (ii) travel expenses related to the Project; and (iii) provision of Operating Costs. IGAD is the implementing agency for the project and will mobilize its in-house capacity for the work. However, as the need arises, IGAD will use the service of consultants either a firm or individual to fill some of the missing specialized input gaps. This component will finance IGAD staff travel-related expenses to supervise this project, consultant contracts and travels costs, workshop and review meeting costs, and report production and dissemination expenses.
Funded By World Bank
Sector Water & Sanitation
Country South Africa , Southern Africa
Project Value ZAR 2,700,000

Contact Information

Company Name Government of Africa
Address Tesfaye Bekalu Wondem
Web Site

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