Project Detail |
DESCRIPTIVE The three-year project aims to improve the living conditions and incomes of small tea producers and to develop a structured governance of the tea industry in Laos. It has two complementary components, an institutional and an operational one: Structure of the sector at national level . The project aims to initiate and develop a strategic thinking of governance of the sector by promoting the emergence of an inter-stakeholder alliance at the national level. This involves establishing, through bilateral consultations and working groups, stakeholder needs, objectives, key activities and defining the sources of funding for such a committee. On the other hand, the focus will be on the inclusive governance of the sector through better knowledge management and information sharing and through communication and marketing actions to develop a national strategic plan. Support for two pilot actions. The project is supporting two pilot sustainable tea quality initiatives in two northern Lao districts: Meung District in Bokeo Province and Saysathan District in Xayabouri Province. The two areas with various stages of development in tea production, the activities will differ slightly but will relate to the production and organization of producers, processing, certification and marketing. IMPACTS Fight against poverty and increase the standard of living of ethnic minorities in Northern Laos. 633 families (nearly 4,000 people) should see their standard of living increase. Inclusion of small producers, especially women, in the decision-making process within producer or cooperative groups and in their participation in training. Improved management of the tea tree resource, including forest tea trees (concerted management plans), securing land and tree plantations (tea plants). 06/ 03/ 2019 Start date of the project Agriculture and rural development, Climate sectors |