Project Detail |
Projektziel This operation aims to support the needs of up to 160,000 people from the affected rural and urban communities in Lombok and Central Sulawesi with appropriate immediate, medium-term and recovery assistance in a timely, effective, and efficient manner, as well as accompany them to recover from the impact of the earthquakes and tsunamis and increase their resilience to future shocks. Erwartete Ergebnisse SHELTER Ø Needs for basic household non-foods items as well as emergency shelter and more sustainable solutions are met for 160,000 people. LIVELIHOODS AND BASIC NEEDS Ø 40,000 displaced households have access to food. Ø Support is provided to households and communities to recover livelihoods with dignity. HEALTH Ø Basic health care services for 160,000 people are provided through mobile health units with standardized medicine, paramedics and equipment in coordination with district health authorities. Ø Psychosocial support is provided to beneficiaries in affected communities. WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE Ø 160,000 people having access to sufficient and safe water for domestic use Ø Regular access to 1) soap to meet hygienic needs and 2) to dignified, safe, clean and functional excreta disposal facilities PROTECTION, GENDER AND INCLUSION Ø Children, elderly, persons with disabilities and the sick are protected and their different needs are included into the programming. MIGRATION AND DEAD BODY MANAGAMENT Ø Communication between separated family members is secured Ø Management of dead and forensic expertise to help identify victims is provided. DISASTER RISK REDUCTION Ø Community based disaster risk reduction activities were undertaken and early action “agents”, to identify local risks, vulnerabilities and capacities to strengthen resilience of communities, are established. Zielgruppe 160,000 people (40,000 households) to be assisted with appropriate immediate, medium-term and recovery assistance interventions for 20 months. With the Austrian contribution of EUR 1,000,000 approximately up to 8,300 people can be reached, for instance with the following shelter activities: o basic household non-food items including blankets o emergency shelter o materials for repairing damaged houses and rebuilding those destroyed The IFRC implements this program together with the Indonesian Red Cross in affected rural and urban communities in Lombok and Central Sulawesi. Maßnahmen Activities include: • Provide basic household non-food items including blankets • Provide emergency shelter (tarpaulins and shelter toolkits, and basic awareness on their usage) • Provide food assistance • Provide unrestricted cash for meeting basic needs • Provide emergency first aid and basic health care • Support the rehabilitation of health centres/facilities and provision of solar energy options • Provide safe water through trucking and local treatment • Provide water storage (e.g. jerry cans) and hygiene items • Follow up and provide technical support in compliance with IFRC minimum standard commitments to gender and diversity in emergency programming • Support sectoral teams to ensure collection and analysis of sex-age disability-disaggregated data • Provide training for the volunteers on Restoring Family Links (RFL) and management of the dead • Implement RFL activities • Guide target schools and communities on the identification, mitigation and reduction of disaster risk • Support target schools and communities on the identification, mitigation and reduction of disaster risk |