Project Detail |
The project will support national strategy and socio-economic development of Lao PDR by enhancing its road connectivity of the most critical sections of the backbone road network of the country. Specifically, the project will widen the 19 km high traffic section close to Vientiane capital city (Sikeut to Songpeuay market) from the existing two-lane to a four-lane road; and an improvement/strengthening of a 39-km section of two-lane road (Songpeuay market to Phonhong) with Portland cement concrete pavement. The project will use an innovative contracting model, an Output- and Performancebased Road Contract (OPBRC) The project will comprise three components as described below. - Component 1: Road Improvement, Maintenance and Operation (USD 120.5 million). This component will finance road widening, improvement, operation and maintenance works and land acquisition required for road works. - Component 2: Technical Assistance and Supervision (USD 4.8 million). This component will support MPTW to manage the implementation of the OPBRC, traffic safety activities, overloading control; and enhance environmental and social monitoring and supervision. It will also support preparation of studies for future investments on other sections of NR 13. - Component 3: Project Management (USD 2.7 million). This component will support project management, including technical and operational assistance for the day-to-day management of project activities including training on output and performance-based contracting, project planning and execution, financial management, procurement, monitoring and evaluation, and technical and financial audits. The sub-component will be financed by IDA. Objective To improve road conditions, safety and climate resilience on critical sections of National Road 13 using an innovative contracting model (OPBRC). The road design will also be strengthened to meet ASEAN standards. Expected Results (i) Road condition: Improved road condition resulting in reduction of vehicle operating cost on the project road; (ii) Road safety: Improved road safety resulting in increase in average International Road Assessment Program (IRAP) star rating of the project road; (iii) Climate resilience: Improved road design resulting in project road upgraded and improved with climate resilience measures |