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Mozambique Project Notice - Sustainable Supply Chain Of Rehabilitation

Project Notice

PNR 2823
Project Name Sustainable Supply Chain of Rehabilitation
Project Detail The countrys economic growth, around 10% per year, so far has not yet secured a corresponding increase of access to basic services for the poorest segments of the population. In rural areas, over 60% of the population resorts to open defecation, while the rest of the population uses not improved traditional latrines. In small centers (in 2010, 3 million people approx.), less than 10% of the population has access to improved latrines. In urban areas, 50% of the inhabitants approx. does not have basic sanitation. The national strategic plan on water and sanitation has, among its goals, to halve by 2015 the proportion of people without adequate sanitation. Long-term objective is to help achieve universal access to health services (improved latrines or connection to municipal sewer systems) by 2025. Coherently to the current international debate on the best development approaches, the intervention aims at overcoming the usual recourse to grants by choosing a market-based approach to activate sustainable quality services in hygiene-sanitation sector. A social enterprise will therefore be created, which will incubate market-based sustainable and replicable solutions for the sanitation supply chain. ACRA-CCS will coordinate a team of excellent actors with multisectorial technical expertise and different roles in terms of sector and responsibility of intervention. Technical supervision will be ensured by regular meetings between team project and the partners of the action. ACRA-CCS will periodically update the data on project execution by proposing practical solutions where necessary. International partners and consultants: • World Toilet Organization/BOP HUB International NGO founded in 2001 as a global platform for exchange of knowledge and services for organizations dealing with Sustainable Sanitation. It Promotes among governments quality hygiene-sanitation services, public health policies and breaking the taboo on sanitation. At the forefront in sanitation sector, its strategy based on the market face the problems of hygiene-sanitation service for poor through efficient infrastructures and realization of sustainable solutions. WTO is a founding member of the Alliance for Sustainable sanitation (Susana), a coalition of 151 organizations from 53 countries. WTO and its founder Jack Sim, member of the Board of Director of Opes Impact Fund, co-founded by ACRA-CCS, has led the UN to include sanitation among the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In the project, WTO will be responsible of definition and implementation of Community and Spa SaniShop models for the creation and distribution of individual and public latrines. • Cetamb:Documentation and Research Centre on Appropriate Technologies for Environmental Management in Developing Countries (DCs), University of Brescia, Faculty of Engineering, with autonomous status, it promotes, in close collaboration with NGOs and voluntary associations, the search for the management of environmental issues in developing countries. Cetamb coordinate and follow all activities directly related to the research and implementation of innovative solutions for the reuse of faecal sludge for the production of fertilizers and biogas. Several international thematic experts will be involved in the project including the engineer Mr Pignatelli, who has worked the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is one of the greatest Italian expert on the topic of biogas. Members and local consultants • Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Facultade de Engenharia. The most important public university of Mozambique, it will contribute to the syste approactizationh of the market apprach in the production of fertilizers and biogas given its experience in rural areas of the province of Maputo. It will develop research, provide technical assistance, monitoring and testing and validating the experience from the scientific point of view possible for the releases of the model on a national scale. • Departamento Agua e Saneamento, Província de Maputo (Direcção Nacional Agua y Saneamento, Ministério de Obras Publicas) is the natural institutional reference for Project action. Local partner ESTAMOS Organizacao Comunitaria, Av Julius Nyerere, Parcela 429, Bairro Sanjala, Lichinga, Mocambique Tel.:+258 271 20318, fax +258 21010344 Director Geral: Feliciano dos Santos Community non-profit organization, operating since 1996 in the provinces of Maputo and Niassa with extensive experience in the fields of environment, water and sanitation (it has a partnership with the international organization WaterAid). Estamos uses a methodological approach strongly anchored in the community. It is the ideal partner for the activities of attitudinal change and demand creation and to the accompaniment of micro during the course of the project. close Main outcome The poorest populations of the Bairros Zimpeto and Magoanine A, B and C of urban district no. 5 of Maputo benefit from the increased access to sanitation services, through a productive and sustainable economic chain. Initiative data Initiative number 010181 Purpose Water supply & sanit. - large systems Sector Water Supply & Sanitation
Sector Water Supply & Sanitation
Country Mozambique , Eastern Africa
Project Value MZN 1,607,937

Contact Information

Company Name Departamento Agua e Saneamento (Direcção Nacional Agua), Ministério de Obras Publicas
Address Street of the Press 162 Telefax: +258 21 302 811, +258 21 312 697 Cell phone +258 82 30 97 310
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