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Palestinian Territory Occupied Project Notice - Reconstruction Aid Water And Sewage Gaza

Project Notice

PNR 27471
Project Name Reconstruction aid water and sewage Gaza
Project Detail The goal of the FC measure is to restore the population with drinking water and restore wastewater disposal in the Gaza Strip. In addition, the legitimacy of the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the carrier Costal Municipalities Water Utility (CMWU) in the Gaza Strip should be increased. The proposed measures include the repair and reconstruction of water supply and sanitation as a result of recent hostilities to improve the acute supply situation of the population and the precarious health and environmental situation. The target group of measures is the entire population of the Gaza Strip of about 1.8 million people, who benefit from the positive health and environmental effects of the emergency measures. The measures include clean-up and reconstruction of the water and sanitation infrastructure across the supply and disposal chain, ie wells, desalination, transport, treatment, storage, distribution, service connections, collection, clarification, disposal, etc. Furthermore, associated transport - and energy infrastructure, equipment, vehicles, buildings and operating costs for personnel, fuel, electricity, chemicals and spare parts are financed. Environmental damage caused by spilled fuel, sewage and chemicals should also be corrected. Due to the unclear further development and the level of damage, the financing of emergency aid measures is not excluded. Any remaining funds will be used to finance the expansion of (waste) water infrastructure. The total damage and development work in the water and sanitation sector in Gaza amounts to up to EUR 530 million. The measure will be equipped with an initial FC contribution of EUR 9 million.
Funded By KfW Bankengruppe
Sector Water and Sanitation
Country Palestinian Territory Occupied , Western Asia
Project Value ILS 530,000,000

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