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France Project Notice - GMP Manufacturing & GLP Diagnostic: Towards A Personalised Phage Therapy Against Antimicrobial Resistance

Project Notice

PNR 27356
Project Name GMP manufacturing & GLP diagnostic: Towards a personalised phage therapy against antimicrobial resistance
Project Detail Phage therapy, that is the therapeutic use of bacteriophages for the treatment of pathogenic bacterial infections, is a highly promising answer to the antibiotic resistant plague (500 000 deaths a year attributable to multi-drug resistant bacteria today, 10 million forecast by 2050). In this hopeful field, Pherecydes Pharma, a French SME created in 2006, is currently the world leader of phage therapy, with a a unique selling point and value proposal: (1) Patented technology; (2) Curent product portfolio covering over 50% of human infections and almost 90% of multi-drug resistant ones; (3) Ability to manufacture phages in GMP conditions; (4) 1st company to launch a transnational, well-designed, well-controlled, multicentric clinical study; (5) French authorisation (ANSM) in 2017 to administrate Pherecydes Pharma bacteriophages under a compassionate use status. Building on these successes, the PhagoPROD project aims at setting-up, optimising and scaling-up the GMP manufacturing and GLP diagnostics processes currently validated and demonstrated at laboratory scale. In that so, the ultimate objective is to achieve large-scale commercial exploitation of Pherecydes Pharma products first at the EU then at the USA levels (world reaching is planned in the long term). In the frame of this future commercial exploitation, targeted final users will be patients suffering from bacterial infections, notably antibiotic-resistant ones. Customers (i.e. buyers of Pherecydes Pharma products) will be clinical prescribers and hospital pharmacists. In this regard, Pherecydes already benefits from strong and long-lasting relationships with many hospitals and clinical centres in France and in Europe, as well as with several patients associations (e.g. Le Lien or Phagespoirs).
Funded By European Union
Sector Healthcare Equipment And Services
Country France , Western Europe
Project Value EUR 3,764,172

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