Project Detail |
Accidently, needlesticks and syringes puncture gloves and injure the skin. Millions of cases are counted in European health care and worldwide, each year. When perforated, medical gloves loose its barrier function. Health care professionals are no longer protected from body fluids, potentially carrying blood-borne diseases including hepatitis B/C and HIV. Studies estimate the economic costs due to needlestick injuries to amount to more than 1 bn. € per year. Polymer-ceramic composites can reinforce polymers. Similar to bullet-proof vests, the materials provide protection against mechanical impact. Accordingly, thin gloves from polymer-ceramic composites maintain the users tactile sense. Gloves from these new materials provide unrivaled donning and wearing comfort. The patent-pending invention builds on large-scale available substances for tailor-made material components. Protective composite gloves undercut competition in price and surpass in function. The predicted world market volume for disposable gloves is 10 bn. $ in 2023; the segment of surgical gloves is 2 bn. $, the servicable market about 1 bn. €. Considering the immense potential of our solution, the application creates in an innovative and productive manner a business opportunity to introduce puncture-resistant gloves to a broad market. By pursuing the present feasibility study, the management team aims to improve its understanding of the global market conditions. The associated risks and a more detailed business plan are scheduled for rolling out and scaling up a first product as a marketable innovative solution. SME Instrument Phase-1 and Phase-2 would be extremely beneficial in helping the company accelerate the development and market penetration in the target segment, boosting the company’s growth to over 50 employees and 100 m. € in revenue by 2022, in accordance with the company’s mission plan. |