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Italy Project Notice - A Unique And Innovative Cleanliness Test Bench That Allows To Increase Test Efficiency And Reduce Costs For Cleanliness Assessment Of Hydraulic, Automotive And Aeronautic Components And Systems

Project Notice

PNR 26752
Project Name A unique and innovative cleanliness test bench that allows to increase test efficiency and reduce costs for cleanliness assessment of hydraulic, automotive and aeronautic components and systems
Project Detail Most of the wear and fatigue problems suffered by hydraulic systems are caused by solid contaminants, usually generated during the manufacturing process of the components. These particles have a big impact in the reliability and life expectancy of the hydraulic systems, as well as in their efficiency and in their overall energy consumption. The state-of-the-art solutions for cleanliness evaluation need, at least, a contaminant extraction system, a drying oven and a microscope, all of it installed in a clean-room laboratory and operated by skilled technicians. Apart from complex, this is scarcely effective and very costly. OilSafe is an Italian SME funded in 1998. CLEAN CABINET is our disruptive solution for cleanliness testing. It integrates all the previously mentioned processes in a single and fully automated device, from the extraction to the image analysis. Our solution doesn’t need a laboratory, can be readily integrated in manufacturing lines and no skilled operators are needed. It is more efficient and is fully compliant with ISO16232. Moreover, the results are obtained much faster and the tests result, at least, four times cheaper. Its use will have a big impact in the quality of the hydraulic systems because it enables to perform more tests at lower cost. Initially, the target sectors will be machinery (construction, agriculture, etc.) automotive and aeronautic, although applications can be encountered in many sectors. A first prototype is already working with very good results. The goals of the project are to integrate the image analysis module and some additional features in a new prototype before launching it to the market and to develop the commercial network needed to sell it, first in Italy and then in the rest of Europe. The project will last 2 years with an estimated budget of 2,5M€. We expect to sell more than 500 units during the fifth year after the completion of the project, for a ROI of 7.8, and we foresee to create 18 new jobs in OilSafe
Funded By European Union
Sector Services
Country Italy , Western Europe
Project Value EUR 2,501,412

Contact Information

Company Name OILSAFE SRL
Address VIA TOSCANINI 209 41122 MODENA Italy
Web Site

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