Project Detail |
Every day, 2 million tons of sewage and industrial and agricultural waste are discharged into the world’s water. These pollutants come from urbanization, industrialization, unsustainable food production practices, and poor water and wastewater management strategies . Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTPs) are one of the most expensive public industries due to exceptionally high energy consumption. Although the EU has made waste water treatment obligatory for cities and towns within the EU-27 (Water Framework Directive (WFD) 91/271/CEE), little has been done to tackle the unsustainable 15,021 GWh of energy these plants consume per year. The ACT aeration system utilises less energy than any known aeration technology. ACTs technology utilises new methods based on hydrodynamic supercavitation to efficiently mix gas (air containing oxygen) and liquid (treated wastewater). This new technology is versatile and can be adapted to meet the aeration needs of almost any type of WWTP. ACT has established a process which uses the potential energy of a liquid flow to induce a vaporous cavity (super cavity), to aspirate atmospheric air and efficiently mix it with treated wastewater. ACT aeration devices (aerators) are arranged in the manner which allows for several aerators to operate under a single simple pump. Additionally, due to the nature of the hydrodynamic process there is little equipment depreciation because the imploding vapours bubbles do not have direct contact with the solid surface of the equipment. ACTs aeration process does not require air blowers/compressors, air distribution piping, diffusers installation construction and pipes, which dramatically reduces the cost of an aeration system by a factor of 3-5 times. The users/clients of the Cavitech system are the over 71,000 WWTP that are currently operational in the EU member states. |