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Ukraine Project Notice - JSDF: Community-Based Social Service Delivery Project

Project Notice

PNR 25466
Project Name JSDF: Community-based Social Service Delivery Project
Project Detail Component 1. Development of Social Protection Services Delivery Capacity (US$680,000) would finance technical assistance, provision of training and goods required to develop capacities of community governments and service providers to plan, manage and deliver services. The component would assist the governments in 30 participating communities to carry out participatory needs assessment, to identify access barriers and to develop three-year service development plans to address the coverage gaps. The project would work with the social protection units in the community governments who would receive technical support and basic equipment to develop their institutional capacity to plan and mange service provision. Then the proposed project would train the staff of those units and other relevant stakeholders to prepare applications for social protection services micro-projects drawing on the service development plans. Furthermore, this component would finance training of existing or potential community service providers to enhance their ability to deliver social care services at expected level of standards. Through such a training, potential service providers from among the CSOs would be able to better understand their role in providing services, the accreditation requirements and mechanism of contracting out services from nongovernment actors, the standards of service delivery, reporting, and monitoring, etc. Component 2. Social Protection Services Micro-projects (US$1,658,000). This component would invest in communitybased social protection services micro-projects to improve coverage by the services of vulnerable groups identified through participatory needs assessments under Component 1 above. Such micro-projects might include home delivery programs for the elderly, youth centers, daycare centers for the disabled or children, nursing etc. Ten communities would be selected to implement the micro-projects. The project funds of up to UD$140,000 would be allocated for each micro-project to finance minor civil works, goods, consultants’ services, and service-specific training. The local governments would be responsible for implementation of the micro-projects. Under the micro-projects, they would be able to finance improvement of services of the public providers as well as to purchase services from non-public providers. Allocations of funds to specific types of services, service providers and client groups would be guided by social needs assessments and service delivery plans developed under Component 1 above. No contributions are expected from local governments; however, they would be required to cover 100 percent of recurrent cost of the service to operate for at least three years after the micro-project implementation. Component 3. Project Management and Administration, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Knowledge Dissemination (US$512,000) would consist of the following sub-components: 3.1 Project Management and Administration would help to expand the USIF’s operational capacity to manage project activities and assist communities and local governments to comply with technical, fiduciary, safeguards and other implementation requirements. 3.2 Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). The proposed project would use the existing USIF Management Information System (MIS). In addition, the project would finance beneficiary assessments (baseline, mid-term and final) to inform achievement of project outcomes.
Funded By Japan Social Development Fund
Sector Financial Services
Country Ukraine , Eastern Europe
Project Value UAH 2,850,000

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Company Name Government of Ukraine
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