Project Notice |
PNR | 24571 |
Project Name | Neural Circuit Regulation of Adult Brain Stem Cells |
Project Detail | In the adult mammalian brain, neural stem cells (NSCs) residing in the ventricular-subventricular zone (V-SVZ), give rise to new olfactory bulb neurons and glia throughout life. Adult V-SVZ NSC are highly heterogeneous. Stem cells co-exist in quiescent and activated states and reside in regionally-distinct V-SVZ domains and produce different subtypes of olfactory bulb neurons and glia. However, whether this heterogeneity is due to intrinsic fate commitment or whether it is d… |
Funded By | European union |
Sector | Health and Medical |
Country | Switzerland , Western Europe |
Project Value | CHF 2,499,833 |
Contact Information |
Address | PETERSPLATZ 1 4051 BASEL Switzerland |
Web Site | |