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Ghana Project Notice - Water And Wastewater Management Programme (WWMP)

Project Notice

PNR 241
Project Name Water and Wastewater Management Programme (WWMP)
Project Detail For several years, the water supply and wastewater sector in Egypt has been undergoing a very dynamic reform process. The current priority is to improve the organisational and institutional environment. Responsibilities in this area are being progressively transferred away from governorate-owned and run enterprises and assigned to the newly established water supply and sewage disposal utilities. The new enterprises will be consolidated step by step in a holding company (Holding Company for Water and Wastewater — HCWW). This move towards commercialisation is expected to significantly improve the situation in the water and wastewater sector. As yet, neither the holding company nor the governorates’ enterprises are in a position to perform their water supply and wastewater disposal services economically and efficiently. Objective Water supply and wastewater disposal services are improved in selected Egyptian governorates. Approach The programme consists of four components: Capacity development in the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater The focus is on measures in the fields of management, corporate development and basic and further training as well as on the restructuring of working processes and annual business planning. Improving human resource management in the water and wastewater sector Transparency and the principle of efficiency are to be incorporated in the holding company and the affiliated water and wastewater utilities by introducing a standardised training and certification system (Management and Technical Career Path) and a new staff recruitment procedure. Capacity development of selected regional water and wastewater utilities In the water utility in the Qena Governorate, the skill and capacity development of management and workers promotes the expansion and development of the enterprise. Other utilities, for example the Qena Company for Water and Wastewater (QCWW), are being advised on the introduction of quality management. Support for sectoral reform in the areas of water supply and wastewater management in inadequately supplied and informal settlement areas Implementation strategies are being developed on the basis of the new water policy, particularly for rural sanitary provision and for water supply and wastewater disposal in informal settlements. The objective is to make a contribution to poverty-orientated investment policy. German technical cooperation provides specialised, organisational and process-oriented consultation using international, regional and local experts and implements further training and advanced training measures. Pilot measures for water supply and wastewater disposal in Qena are supported through local subsidies, equipment and materials. Results achieved so far In both the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (HCWW) and in its subsidiary enterprises, organisational processes were improved. The HCWW is presently drawing up a business plan in which all of the enterprise’s future business processes are listed and planned. Among them are the work areas advised by the programme: accreditation of the newly-established reference laboratory to ISO 17025 establishment of a standardised national training system continuous updating of the regional master plans introduction of a certification system for operation of a water treatment and clarification plant The keystone to improvement of management competence in Qena is introduction of the new organisational chart. It regulates responsibilities and describes clearly all the functions in the company. The staff make constant improvements in operations (improving work and maintenance routines and introducing energy-saving methods), in the financial administration (budgeting and bookkeeping) and the management of the company training measures. The programme achieved particular successes in launching decentralised wastewater management systems in selected rural areas. Through the self-administered system, put into practise by members of the local population, sewage flooding village streets was eliminated, hygienic conditions in the community improved immediately and the costs of wastewater disposal fell. In the process of advising the housing ministry a draft policy has been submitted and is now under discussion in the water sector.
Funded By Deutsche Gesellschaft f?r Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Sector Water & Sanitation
Country Ghana , Western Africa
Project Value Plz Refer Document

Contact Information

Company Name German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Address Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche, Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, Postfach 12 03 22, 53045 Bonn, Germany, Tel: +49/228/99535-0.
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