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Chad Project Notice - Chad Domestic Resource Mobilization And Management

Project Notice

PNR 23935
Project Name Chad Domestic Resource Mobilization and Management
Project Detail The development objectives of Domestic Resource Mobilization and Management Project for Chad is to improve performance, processes, and transparency in key government entities for revenue mobilization. This project has three components. 1) The first component, Results-based Financing to Support Change Management in Customs and Tax administrations, has the flowing subcomponents: (i) Support the utilization of a unified taxpayers’ registry for enterprises; (ii) Support the gradual adoption of electronic filing by large taxpayers; (iii) Support the roll out of mandatory tax payment by large taxpayers through the banking system; (iv) Support the gradual adoption of pay-by-phone by Small Taxpayers; and(v) Reduction in the number of physical custom inspections of imported merchandise; (vi) Reduction in the release time for imported merchandise. 2) The second component, Technical Assistance to Strengthen Revenue Agencies, aims to provide specialized TA, including technical experts for each area of intervention, to improve transparency, and increase accountability of the tax and customs administrations, petroleum, and telecom for revenue mobilization and management. It has the following subcomponents: (i) Improve Tax Administration and Policy; (ii) Improve Customs Administration; (iii) Increasing Transparency and Accountability of the Recipient’s Revenue Agencies; (iv) Address Fiscal Challenges and Improve the Oversight of the ICT Sector; and (v) Improve the Management and Control of Revenue Generation in the Petroleum. 3) The third component, Project Management and Coordination, aims to support the ST-PAMFIP—a dedicated Project Implementation Unit embedded in the MoFB—to undertake project management, in accordance with the World Bank’s fiduciary and other guidelines, including incremental operating costs, equipment, training on fiduciary and project management issues, project
Funded By World Bank
Sector Public Sector Management
Country Chad , Central Africa
Project Value XAF 35,000,000

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Company Name Project Implementation Unit (PIU)
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