Project Detail |
The purpose of the project activity is to generate electrical energy using renewable energy source (wind) and selling the generated electrical energy to the respective state utility. The project activity generates electricity using wind potential and converts it into kinetic energy using Wind turbines, which drives the alternators to generate energy. The generated electricity is exported to the regional grid system which is under the purview of the Indian grid of India. This project was open for public comment from 21 November - 21 December 2017. Comments received are included in the document PUB_COM_1728_02JAN2018. Project ID 1728 Project Proponent MULTIPLE PROJECT PROPONENTS Project Status Registered View Issuance Records Sectoral Scope 1. Energy (renewable/non-renewable) Project Methodology ACM0002 Project Validator LGAI Technological Center, S.A. (Applus+) Registry APX Estimated Annual Emission Reductions 921,296 |