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India Project Notice - Bundled Wind Power Project By Giriraj Enterprises

Project Notice

PNR 23028
Project Name Bundled Wind Power Project by Giriraj Enterprises
Project Detail The purpose of the project activity is to generate power using renewable energy source (wind energy) and sell the power generated to the state grid. The project activity generates electricity using wind. The generated electricity is exported to the regional grid system which is under the purview of the INDIAN electricity grid of India. The wind power generated from the Project will be displacing the electricity generated from thermal power stations feeding into Indian grid (Indian Electricity Grid) and will be replacing the usage of diesel generators for meeting the power demand during shortage periods. Since, the wind and solar power is Green House Gas (GHG) emissions free, the power generated will prevent the anthropogenic GHG emissions generated by the fossil fuel based thermal power stations comprising coal, diesel, furnace oil and gas. The estimation of GHG reductions by this project is limited to carbon dioxide (CO2) only. The proposed project activity involves the installation of Wind Power Projects. The total installed capacity of the project is 112.5 MW; which involves operation of Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs) in multiple states of India. Project ID 1669 Project Proponent Giriraj Enterprises Project Status Registered View Issuance Records Sectoral Scope 1. Energy (renewable/non-renewable) Project Methodology ACM0002 Project Validator Carbon Check (Pty) Ltd Registry Markit Estimated Annual Emission Reductions 218,910
Funded By
Sector Energy (renewable/non-renewable)
Country India , Southern Asia
Project Value Plz Refer Document

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Company Name Giriraj Enterprises
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