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Sudan Project Notice - Sustainable Development And Poverty Alleviation In Sudan: Empowering Women In Agribusiness And Fishing Value Chains In Red Sea State

Project Notice

PNR 21838
Project Name Sustainable Development and Poverty Alleviation in Sudan: Empowering Women in Agribusiness and Fishing value chains in Red Sea State
Project Detail The project will contribute to sustainable development, economic transformation, women’s empowerment and improved livelihood in Sudan trough women’s effective contribution to employment, job and income creation. In particular, the project will build women’s capacity in agribusiness focusing on baby food making, fish preservation and processing and fish net making. These are sectors in which women already have a comparative advantage, but up to date have received very minimal strategic attention and support. The project will be implemented in Eastern Sudan, Red Sea State. The project will reach out to empower 500 urban, peri-urban and rural women and girls in the most vulnerable situations including women with disabilities, women survivors of GBV, refugees and IDP women, to become vibrant economic change agents.
Funded By Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development
Sector Other Industries
Country Sudan , Northern Africa
Project Value SDG 250,000

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Company Name Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development
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