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Turkmenistan Project Notice - Energy Efficiency And Renewable Energy For Sustainable Water Management In Turkmenistan

Project Notice

PNR 20669
Project Name Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy for Sustainable Water Management in Turkmenistan
Project Detail Aim to accomplish Component 1: To introduce new technologies in irrigated agriculture and pumpingfor energy efficiency, water conservation, and sustainable land management (SLM). The first project component is designed to achieve three targeted outcomes. Enhancement of the national knowledge base and delivery of new technical information on appropriate technology for irrigation, pumps, and solar-powered water pumping and purification to water management agency staff and farmers New processes established and implemented for planning, deployment, and financial assessment both before and after deployment of integrated water resource management, pump audits and maintenance, and solar-powered water pumping and purification Direct energy savings, water savings, and reduction of land degradation from the selected projects Component 2: To scale-up investment in new and expanded efficient water-management infrastructure. The second project component focuses on scaling-up investment in improved water management infrastructure. It is intended to achieve two related outcomes. Reduction of water losses and associated energy consumption via direct investment in a large-scale infrastructure project on municipal water supply Technical, environmental, and financial justification to scale-up investment in canal linings and/or other widespread infrastructure improvements to reduce water losses, associated energy consumption, and land degradation Component 3: To deliver local and region-specific planning and educational outreach for IWRM (integrated water resource management) and SLM among farmers and water-sector designers and managers The project’s third component supports nationwide implementation of IWRM and SLM via planning and training at the regional and district level in all five velayats. It seeks to achieve two related outcomes. Technologies and investments for IWRM and SLM approved according to new Technology Action Plans in all five velayats Institutional/human capacity for implementing IWRM and SLM utilized and sustained among farmers and local/regional water management officials in all five velayats via training on best practices as well as compilation and delivery of lessons learned. Component 4: To develop and support implementation of policy reform for IWRM. The project’s fourth component seeks the following outcomes. Regulations on pump performance and maintenance adopted and enforced Operational system established for measuring end-use water consumption Regulations adopted for the staged onset of tariffs for end use of water Policies and budget allocations adopted in support of expanded investment in improved irrigation and water infrastructure
Funded By United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Sector Energy and Power
Country Turkmenistan , Central Asia
Project Value TMM 3,702,840

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