Project Detail |
Project Description
The Project consists of two components.
Component 1: Priority Infrastructure Improvements. This component will finance integrated urban
infrastructure improvements in the participating municipalities. Infrastructure sub-projects to be supported
under this component will likely include rehabilitation, reconstruction, expansion, and upgrading of municipal
infrastructure and services including urban roads, drainage systems, solid waste management facilities, and
sanitation and sewerage facilities.
Component 2: Implementation Support and Capacity Building. This component will provide technical
assistance to strengthen the capacity of the Steering Committee, Project Management Unit, and Project
Implementation Units as well as the participating municipalities for carrying out project activities.
IV. Environmental and Social Category
The Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) will be applied to screen and categorize the subprojects,
and the Environment and Social Standards (ESSs) will be applicable to determine due diligence with
respect to specific contexts of the subprojects. As per the Bank’s ESF, the Project is proposed to be Category
B, considering the scale and nature of the proposed project activities. This Categorization will be reviewed and
finalized following the feasibility studies and environmental and social assessments, as well as Bank team’s
site visits prior to Appraisal. Public consultation will be carried out during project preparation. All applicable
environmental and social safeguard documents as required by the ESF will be prepared and disclosed to the
public prior to Appraisal.