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Lebanon Project Notice - Institutional Support For Economic Stabilization And Trade Development

Project Notice

PNR 19454
Project Name Institutional Support for Economic Stabilization and Trade Development
Project Detail Strengthened institutional capacities of the Ministry of Economy and Trade with respect to economic and trade policy formulation, public sector regulation and management streamlining, SME support and development, develop partnerships with the international organizations and institutions, and other related matters falling within the competences of the Ministry. · Increased Lebanese exports by improving the competitiveness of Lebanese products and meeting up the international quality and standards requirements. · MOET high impact delivery capacity for efficient private public sector cooperation institutionalized and transfer of skills to the administration enhanced. Achievements The structure of the project was reviewed at several instances for increased efficiency. A new strategy was developed for the project and the MOET in relations to UNDP. In addition, throughout the years, the project delivered the following: · Improving the capacities of MoET to implement trade and economic policies improved, · Promote Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) guidelines and purse private-public sector cooperation · Improve MoET high impact delivery capacity for efficient public sector services institutionalised, partnerships development, and transfer of skills to the administration enhancement. · Instruments to mitigate the impact of the Syrian Crisis on National economy developed.
Funded By United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Sector Other Industries
Country Lebanon , Western Asia
Project Value LBP 2,400,000

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Company Name Ministry of Education and Higher Education
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