Project Detail |
Project Purpose The foundation of the proper practice according to CC and CCP is established. Overall Goals The Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as CC) and the Code of Civil Procedure (hereinafter referred as CCP) are implemented properly and widely. Outputs Important laws and regulations related to CC and CCP are prepared. The sample forms are prepared in order to realize proper implementation of civil procedure. For improvement of the quality of court decisions, the process of disclosure of the court decisions is established and court decisions start to be disclosed. Project Activities In relation with Outputs 1 1-0-1 The laws and regulations to be drafted are listed up as target laws and prioritized. 1-0-2 Working Group (hereinafter referred to as WG) for drafting target laws of 1-0-1 is established. 1-1 The outlines and the coverage of the target laws are determined. 1-2 WG prepares drafts of the target laws of 1-0-1 according to the outlines and coverage determined in 1-1, considering the existing rules and civil practice. 1-3 When the drafts of the target laws of 1-2 are submitted to the Council of Ministers and the National Assembly, WG deals with questions and requests of amendment during these process. 1-4 WG advises relevant parties, if necessary, on the drafts of non-target laws of 1-0-1 to make them consistent with existing rules related to CC and CCP. 1-5 WG conducts the necessary activities such as seminars and publication in order to disseminate the laws and regulations which the WG drafted or provided advices on the drafts. In relation with Outputs 2 2-0 WG for making sample forms which consists of members includes legal practitioners is established. 2-1 WG prepares practical sample forms that are necessary in the civil litigation, compulsory execution and preservative relief etc. (such as complaint, reply, judgment, decision, petition for compulsory execution and for preservative relief and preparatory document), with the consideration to enhance overall understanding of users on CC and CCP and the relevant provisions. 2-2 WG disseminates the sample forms of 2-1 to relevant parties through publication, website and seminars. In relation with Outputs 3 3-0 WG of judgment disclosure and analysis is established. 3-1 The category and number of court decisions to be disclosed and the process flow for disclosure are settled. 3-2 The court decisions of civil cases in Cambodia for disclosure and analysis are collected. 3-3 WG implements necessary measures on court decisions to be disclosed, such as masking personal information, etc. 3-4 After the measures of 3-3, WG discloses these court decisions on website and in publication, etc. 3-5 WG analyzes the court decisions of 3-2 for improvement of the quality of court decisions and shares the result of analysis at seminars for judges, in journals, etc. |